Foreign Policy

Uzbekistan’s Human Rights Problem Uzbekistan’s Human Rights Problem

TASHKENT--In the markets, on the streets, even in the privacy of their homes or cars, the people of Uzbekistan are sphinxlike. They think things are going...well, as best as could...

Oct 30, 2001 / Feature / Matt Bivens

US Bows to Turkey US Bows to Turkey

Alongside the White House and the Capitol building on the alleged terrorist hit list for September 11 was another, little-noticed target: Incirlik, a US airbase in southern Turkey...

Oct 25, 2001 / Ian Urbina

Mugging the ICC Mugging the ICC

While the United States has spent the past few weeks imploring other countries to cooperate with our war on terrorism, behind the scenes it's apparently retaining an isolationist ...

Oct 18, 2001 / Daphne Eviatar

Press Watch Press Watch

Since September 11, Thomas Friedman has been in fine form. In his New York Times column, he has composed a letter for George W. Bush to send to Osama bin Laden, urged Vladimir Put...

Oct 18, 2001 / Michael Massing

‘Manifest Duplicity’ ‘Manifest Duplicity’

Some Sundays back, the New York Times fronted a story from its Paris correspondent, Suzanne Daley, about the fear and loathing Americans induce among Europeans these days.

Oct 1, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Patrick Smith

Dispatches Dispatches

The events of September 11, viewed from abroad.

Sep 27, 2001 / Feature / Praful Bidwai, Maria Margaronis, Graham Usher, Mark Gevisser, Ahmed Rashid, and Ana Uzelac

Blowback Blowback

US actions abroad have repeatedly led to unintended, indefensible consequences.

Sep 27, 2001 / Feature / Chalmers Johnson

Battle of the Books in Palestine Battle of the Books in Palestine

Unfounded attacks on school textbooks have had disastrous consequences.

Sep 13, 2001 / Feature / Fouad Moughrabi

Dispatch From Durban Dispatch From Durban

Durban Update

Sep 5, 2001 / Feature / Charles Tanzer

Fighting the Global Gag Rule Fighting the Global Gag Rule

Despite statements to the contrary, the rule is resulting in tragic circumstances for women abroad.

Aug 23, 2001 / Feature / Isabelle Lindenmayer
