How the Supreme Court Undermined Women’s Citizenship How the Supreme Court Undermined Women’s Citizenship
The court’s decision to invalidate the abortion clinic buffer zone limits the privacy women require as participants in a democracy.
Jul 2, 2014 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry

Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Opens the Door to Further Challenges Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Opens the Door to Further Challenges
While the Court did not strike down barrier zones in other states and cities, the people who brought us McCullen can take those statutes on next.
Jul 1, 2014 / Emily Jane Goodman

Alito’s ‘Hobby Lobby’ Opinion Is Dangerous and Discriminatory Alito’s ‘Hobby Lobby’ Opinion Is Dangerous and Discriminatory
The 5-4 decision strikes a blow against women’s rights and expands corporate power.
Jun 30, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

How Did the FBI Miss Over 1 Million Rapes? How Did the FBI Miss Over 1 Million Rapes?
Systematic undercounting of sexual assaults in the US disguises a hidden rape crisis.
Jun 27, 2014 / Soraya Chemaly

Loving Billie Holiday Doesn’t Mean Black Girls Aren’t Suffering Loving Billie Holiday Doesn’t Mean Black Girls Aren’t Suffering
Joshua DuBois makes an unconvincing argument against the criticism of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative.
Jun 27, 2014 / Farah Jasmine Griffin

Supreme Court Strikes Down Law That Keeps Anti-Choice Protesters 35 Feet Away From Abortion Clinics Supreme Court Strikes Down Law That Keeps Anti-Choice Protesters 35 Feet Away From Abortion Clinics
Massachusetts’s 35-foot buffer between health clinic patients and anti-abortion advocates has been ruled unconstitutional.
Jun 26, 2014 / Dani McClain

Seeking Justice—or At Least the Truth—for ‘Comfort Women’ Seeking Justice—or At Least the Truth—for ‘Comfort Women’
A growing global movement is ensuring that if the Japanese government won’t hold itself accountable for its crimes against women, then history will.
Jun 25, 2014 / Christine Ahn and Foreign Policy In Focus

Will the Democratic Party Deliver for Working Women? Will the Democratic Party Deliver for Working Women?
In The Curve’s second roundtable discussion, our contributors ask what legislative goals feminists can really achieve in Washington.
Jun 24, 2014 / Kathleen Geier and Curve Contributors

‘Black Women, Like Black Men, Scar’: Conversation on My Brother’s Keeper Heats Up ‘Black Women, Like Black Men, Scar’: Conversation on My Brother’s Keeper Heats Up
A new letter signed by 1,000 women of color calls on the president’s initiative on boys and men to include girls and women.
Jun 18, 2014 / Dani McClain
Easy Fix Easy Fix
“Texas GOP supports ‘reparative therapy.’” —CNN Gay marriage ? They’ll stop it, at least in one state. But how? It’s quite simple: turn everyone straight.
Jun 18, 2014 / Column / Calvin Trillin