Gender and Sexuality

The Patriarchy Lives On

The Patriarchy Lives On The Patriarchy Lives On

Hanna Rosin preemptively declares the death of a system that still shapes our workplaces and our lives.

Sep 11, 2013 / Bryce Covert

Poverty in 2013: When Even Diapers Are a Luxury

Poverty in 2013: When Even Diapers Are a Luxury Poverty in 2013: When Even Diapers Are a Luxury

Being a poor mother in the United States today means reusing diapers and struggling to afford food. But House Republicans think they have it too easy.

Sep 11, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Broader, Better Literary Conversations

Broader, Better Literary Conversations Broader, Better Literary Conversations

Literary conversations are not representative of the diversity of modern letters. We can and I will do better. 

Sep 9, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Roxane Gay

‘Stay in the Love’: An Interview With Laverne Cox of ‘Orange Is the New Black’

‘Stay in the Love’: An Interview With Laverne Cox of ‘Orange Is the New Black’ ‘Stay in the Love’: An Interview With Laverne Cox of ‘Orange Is the New Black’

The transgender actress talks about trans representation in pop culture, social justice, and why "trans women supporting each other is revolutionary."

Sep 9, 2013 / Christopher Carbone

Acting Older Isn’t Being Older: How We Fail Young Rape Victims

Acting Older Isn’t Being Older: How We Fail Young Rape Victims Acting Older Isn’t Being Older: How We Fail Young Rape Victims

Why biological maturity or “acting” mature are not the same thing as being a consenting adult.

Sep 2, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

Mexico’s Abortion Wars, American-Style

Mexico’s Abortion Wars, American-Style Mexico’s Abortion Wars, American-Style

After Mexico City liberalized its abortion law, a fierce backlash followed. Is its striking resemblance to the US “pro-life” movement a coincidence?

Aug 28, 2013 / Feature / Kathryn Joyce

Operation Rescue vs. Dr. Ann Neuhaus, Hero Provider

Operation Rescue vs. Dr. Ann Neuhaus, Hero Provider Operation Rescue vs. Dr. Ann Neuhaus, Hero Provider

Think anti-abortion crazies are no longer wreaking havoc on clinics and providers? Think again.

Aug 28, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Free Abortions on Demand Without Apology

Free Abortions on Demand Without Apology Free Abortions on Demand Without Apology

Women’s reproductive health isn’t just about what is covered in mainstream media.

Aug 27, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

An Unfulfilled Dream From the March on Washington: Labor Rights for Domestic Work

An Unfulfilled Dream From the March on Washington: Labor Rights for Domestic Work An Unfulfilled Dream From the March on Washington: Labor Rights for Domestic Work

Home care workers are still excluded from federal labor laws fifty years after protesters demanded inclusion.

Aug 26, 2013 / Bryce Covert

An Open Letter: How I Failed Chelsea Manning

An Open Letter: How I Failed Chelsea Manning An Open Letter: How I Failed Chelsea Manning

In a statement released yesterday, Manning made it clear that she rooted her actions in the long struggle for racial justice—something many have overlooked in discussing her ...

Aug 22, 2013 / Aura Bogado
