Supreme Court Strikes Down Human Gene Patents Supreme Court Strikes Down Human Gene Patents
The unanimous decision is a victory for patients, women, scientists, doctors, researchers and human kind.
Jun 13, 2013 / Rose-Ellen Lessy

INFOGRAPHICS: How the Anti-Prostitution Pledge Hinders AIDS Prevention INFOGRAPHICS: How the Anti-Prostitution Pledge Hinders AIDS Prevention
Recipients of AIDS/HIV funding from the United States may soon be free of the harmful anti-prostitution requirement.
Jun 12, 2013 / Melissa Gira Grant

A Syrian Refugee Wedding A Syrian Refugee Wedding
Early marriage and domestic violence in the camps are a fact of life for girls fleeing the civil war.
Jun 5, 2013 / Feature / Lauren Wolfe

A Female President and the Power of Symbolism: A Response to Amy Schiller A Female President and the Power of Symbolism: A Response to Amy Schiller
I don’t have simplistic fantasies about being rescued from oppression by figureheads alone. But I also know that women and people of color are a threat to the status quo.
Jun 5, 2013 / Erica Brazelton
Billy Graham, Porn Watcher Billy Graham, Porn Watcher
That’s right, the evangelist's crusade against depravity took him straight to New York City porn parlors. It looks like he studied their products closely.
Jun 5, 2013 / Edward Sorel

Abortion and Magical Thinking Abortion and Magical Thinking
Anti-choicers think what they believe determines how abortion restrictions are enforced. They're dangerously wrong.
Jun 5, 2013 / Column / Jessica Valenti

Senate, Military Brass Clash on Handling Sexual Assault Senate, Military Brass Clash on Handling Sexual Assault
Military brass did a bad job convincing people they are serious about preventing sexual assault.
Jun 5, 2013 / George Zornick

The Most Underestimated Feminist in DC The Most Underestimated Feminist in DC
With a two-seat gain while chair of the DSCC and a successful effort to get a budget through the Senate under her belt, Patty Murray has become a major force in the Senate.
Jun 4, 2013 / David Sarasohn

Fuck the High Road: The Upside of Sinking to Their Level Fuck the High Road: The Upside of Sinking to Their Level
Sometimes, you've got to feed the trolls.
Jun 3, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

Dartmouth Students Who Protested Rape Are Charged With Violating School Rules Dartmouth Students Who Protested Rape Are Charged With Violating School Rules
Their crime: "failing to follow college officials' instructions" about protesting.
Jun 1, 2013 / Jon Wiener