No Justice for College Rape Victims No Justice for College Rape Victims
New allegations at UNC remind us how bad our campus rape problem really is.
Jan 18, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

Crying for Manti Te’o Crying for Manti Te’o
When the bizarre story broke about Manti Te’o and his fake virtual girlfriend, the response of Notre Dame spoke volumes.
Jan 17, 2013 / Dave Zirin

The Message and the Meaning: Is ‘Pro-choice’ Passé? The Message and the Meaning: Is ‘Pro-choice’ Passé?
Planned Parenthood has concluded that “choice” is not always the best rallying cry. But it can still pack a punch.
Jan 16, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt

This Is ‘Roe’ at 40 This Is ‘Roe’ at 40
After taking some hits, the movement for abortion rights is pushing back—and has some new tricks up its sleeve.
Jan 16, 2013 / The Editors

Rape in the ‘New India’ Rape in the ‘New India’
Exploding the myth of the “two Indias,” the brutal attacks on women have shown that there is only one, where social Darwinism reigns.
Jan 16, 2013 / Lakshmi Chaudhry
Not in Her Shoes Not in Her Shoes
Days ahead of the fortieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood's powerful video illustrates how the pro-choice and pro-life labels don’t reflect the complexity...
Jan 15, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

Asking For It Asking For It
Victim-blaming is the ultimate reminder of how little women matter.
Jan 11, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

The Global Domestic Workforce Is Enormous—and Very Vulnerable The Global Domestic Workforce Is Enormous—and Very Vulnerable
Domestic workers make up a growing part of the global workforce—working under some of the worst conditions.
Jan 10, 2013 / Bryce Covert

What Gerda Lerner Taught Us What Gerda Lerner Taught Us
An anti-fascist, a radical, an immigrant, an outsider, her pioneering work to launch women’s history programs and feminist movements was transformational.
Jan 8, 2013 / John Nichols

Social Issues Are Economic Issues, Exhibit 1,463: Michigan’s Dual Agenda Slams Low-Income Women Social Issues Are Economic Issues, Exhibit 1,463: Michigan’s Dual Agenda Slams Low-Income Women
The state-level right-wing agenda will continue to hit poor women on all fronts.
Jan 8, 2013 / Bryce Covert