Gender and Sexuality

Mary Cheney, Mary Cheney Mary Cheney, Mary Cheney

Reservists mutiny in Iraq, old people keel over standing in line for flu shots and all sorts of cats leap out of Bush's bag of secrets: According to Ron Suskind's revelatory New ...

Oct 22, 2004 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The L Word The L Word

Mary Cheney has devoted her entire career to providing cover for lesbian-hating organizations.

Oct 19, 2004 / Richard Kim

Follow the Money Follow the Money

The Christian right's comeback has been fueled by Bush Administration grants.

Oct 14, 2004 / Feature / Esther Kaplan

Roe = Dred Roe = Dred

Many viewers were puzzled when, toward the end of the second debate, George W. Bush answered a question about Supreme Court nominees by referring to the Dred Scott case.

Oct 14, 2004 / Katha Pollitt

Bush’s Court Picks: Be Afraid. Very Afraid. Bush’s Court Picks: Be Afraid. Very Afraid.

Democrats haven't made much of what would happen to the courts should Bush win a second term.

Oct 7, 2004 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Gay GOPers Crash Party Gay GOPers Crash Party

Being a gay or lesbian Republican isn't easy. Social conservatives condemn your "homosexual lifestyle," while your friends (and lovers) on the left see you as part of the antigay...

Sep 2, 2004 / Christopher Lisotta

Goodbye, Mr. McGreevey Goodbye, Mr. McGreevey

How Jim McGreevey perfected the art of swimming in the mainstream.

Aug 17, 2004 / Richard Kim

Homophobia and Apple Pie Homophobia and Apple Pie

Bush keeps claiming to represent "normal" Americans at the expense of "the other."

Jul 20, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer

On (Gay) Marriage, Divorce and Statistics On (Gay) Marriage, Divorce and Statistics

One of the things that drive me nuts is that people always say that one in two American marriages ends in divorce. This isn't exactly true.

Jul 5, 2004 / Nora Ephron

Bush’s AIDS Hypocrisy Cons the NY Times Bush’s AIDS Hypocrisy Cons the NY Times

New anti-condom CDC regs give the lie to Bush's election-year rhetoric.

Jun 30, 2004 / Feature / Doug Ireland
