Gender and Sexuality

Whose Millennium March? Whose Millennium March?

Scheduled for April 30, the Millennium March on Washington for Equality--the fourth national lesbian and gay rally on the Mall--may sound like your standard, good old-fashioned m...

Mar 30, 2000 / Feature / Joshua Gamson

Bush’s Sop to the Right Hits Women Worldwide Bush’s Sop to the Right Hits Women Worldwide

George W. Bush has a sweet appealing face until he reveals his dark side, as when he, in one of his first official acts, cut off funds to international population control groups....

Jan 30, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer

California’s Knightmare California’s Knightmare

W hen the Vermont Supreme Court ruled December 20 that denying the statutory benefits and protections of marriage to same-sex couples was discriminatory, conservatives began frot...

Jan 27, 2000 / Doug Ireland

Gay Teens Fight Back Gay Teens Fight Back

Jared Nayfack was 11 years old and living in the heart of conservative Orange County, California, when he told his best friend from school that he was gay--"and my friend then ca...

Jan 13, 2000 / Feature / Doug Ireland

Blowjobs and Snow Jobs Blowjobs and Snow Jobs

If the sixties were the age of the war reporter and the seventies the age of the investigative reporter, then the late nineties may go down in history as the age of the blowjob r...

Dec 2, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman

‘Our’ Gide? ‘Our’ Gide?

Whenever Gide wrote or spoke about himself directly, which was not infrequently, he would insist that his wars within were to be traced to his very genes.

Nov 25, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Patrick Smith

Anti-Choice, Anti-Child Anti-Choice, Anti-Child

One of the favorite tactics of pro-lifers--especially ones who are self-described "progressives"--is to accuse abortion rights supporters of being anti-child, hyperindividualisti...

Oct 28, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Polymaritally Perverse Polymaritally Perverse

I've always vowed I would never be one of those people--and you know who you are!--who cancel their ACLU membership in a fit of pique over a single issue.

Sep 16, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Living La Vida ‘Loca’ Living La Vida ‘Loca’

Few Latino writers have challenged homophobia and machismo as fiercely as Jaime Manrique.

Aug 19, 1999 / Books & the Arts / George De Stefano

Ex-Prom Queen Goes Home Ex-Prom Queen Goes Home

Thomas Wolfe wrote that you can't go home again. Alix Kates Shulman disagrees.

Jul 22, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Beverly Gologorsky
