Gender and Sexuality

No Protection for Gays No Protection for Gays

There's a bill speeding its way through Congress that would shred much of the protection against discrimination provided by the dozens of local and state gay civil rights laws.

Jun 24, 1999 / Doug Ireland

Rebuilding the Gay Movement Rebuilding the Gay Movement

When Republican Senator Al D'Amato was endorsed for re-election last November by the Human Rights Campaign--the nation's wealthiest gay civil rights lobby--the HRC's appalling de...

Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / Doug Ireland

Love and Hate in Laramie Love and Hate in Laramie

Research assistance: Robin Reardon.

Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / Donna Minkowitz

The Truth About Hate Crimes Laws The Truth About Hate Crimes Laws

It took the death of a young gay white man at the hands of two other young white men to bring the issue of violence aimed at lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people to n...

Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / Richard Kim

Same-Sex Spouses in Canada Same-Sex Spouses in Canada

On May 20, leaving its southern neighbor in the dust, Canada took a breathtaking leap forward in lesbian and gay rights.

Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / E.J. Graff

The Officer and the Diva The Officer and the Diva

This spring, two important chapters in the surprising story of Israeli gay and lesbian politics concluded.

Jun 10, 1999 / Feature / Joshua Gamson

Morning-After Pill Ban Morning-After Pill Ban

Emergency contraception has the potential to revolutionize women's relationship to sex and birth control.

Jun 3, 1999 / Patricia Miller

Sodomy for the Masses Sodomy for the Masses

It's a good thing Bill and Monica held their trysts in the White House rather than just across the Potomac, in Falls Church or Arlington, Virginia.

Apr 1, 1999 / Feature / Debbie Nathan

Nonsilence = Death, Too? Nonsilence = Death, Too?

In seven novels and a collection of essays published since 1981, Sarah Schulman has methodically chronicled the history of her longtime neighborhood, Manhattan's East Village.

Feb 18, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Mark J. Huisman

Immaculate Contraception Immaculate Contraception

Enter the glass doors at 222 West 14th Street in New York City, and the chaos of traffic horns and tire-screeches, jackhammers and concentrated humanity recedes into a hush.

Jan 7, 1999 / Feature / Jennifer Baumgardner
