A Brutal Peace: On the Postwar Expulsions of Germans A Brutal Peace: On the Postwar Expulsions of Germans
Did postwar population transfers complete a project of ethnic cleansing started by Hitler?
Nov 28, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Tara Zahra
The Noble and the Base: Poland and the Holocaust The Noble and the Base: Poland and the Holocaust
Can the two central images of Poland during World War II—a country of heroes and a country of collaborators—ever be combined?
Nov 14, 2012 / Books & the Arts / John Connelly

The Enigma of Bhutan The Enigma of Bhutan
Two decades ago, nearly one-sixth of the population was forcibly expelled. How did King Wangchuck escape any real censure?
The Maldives Need Action at Durban Conference on Climate Change The Maldives Need Action at Durban Conference on Climate Change
The lowest country on the planet needs action at the UN world conference on climate change in Durban. But “Occupy COP17” is expecting much from governments.
Dec 1, 2011 / Laura Flanders
When Women Make Peace When Women Make Peace
In the wake of three women being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a new PBS documentary series celebrates women’s roles as peacemakers--but oversimplifies complex conflicts lik...
Oct 17, 2011 / Dana Goldstein
Christian Parenti: Geography of Violence in the Global South Christian Parenti: Geography of Violence in the Global South
The impact of climate change on developing countries has so far been devestating, and stands to get only worse.
Jun 30, 2011 / WNYC
Christian Parenti: Confronting Global Warming’s ‘Tropic of Chaos’ Christian Parenti: Confronting Global Warming’s ‘Tropic of Chaos’
Climate change is not just "bad weather." In fact, it fuels ethnic strife, religious violence and resource wars.
Jun 30, 2011 / Democracy Now!
Genocide Trial in Kansas Genocide Trial in Kansas
Since the US government prosecuted Nazi war crimes, there have been no criminal prosecutions of genocide here in America—until now.
Apr 14, 2011 / John S. Friedman
For the First Time Ever, They Had a Revolution… For the First Time Ever, They Had a Revolution…
Let's keep Washington Bullets in mind thinking about Egypt.
Feb 12, 2011 / Greg Grandin
Rwanda’s Other Genocide Rwanda’s Other Genocide
Paul Kagame has been praised for leading Rwanda’s recovery after the 1994 genocide. But his image has become increasingly tarnished, with reports of political repression now ...
Sep 17, 2010 / Tristan McConnell