As We Marched on Washington, I Felt Certain That Palestine Would Be Free As We Marched on Washington, I Felt Certain That Palestine Would Be Free
Saturday’s demonstration made it clear: We Palestinians are not fighting for our liberation on our own.
Nov 7, 2023 / Ahmad Ibsais

This Isn’t Your Father’s GOP. It’s Your Grandfather’s GOP. This Isn’t Your Father’s GOP. It’s Your Grandfather’s GOP.
Today's Republicans aren’t isolationists; they are hawks targeting Latin America and Asia.
Nov 6, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Michael Bennett: “We Cannot in Good Conscience Fund the Bombing of Palestinian Civilians” Michael Bennett: “We Cannot in Good Conscience Fund the Bombing of Palestinian Civilians”
The NFL champion calls upon Joe Biden to demand a cease-fire in Gaza
Nov 2, 2023 / Michael Bennett

Once Upon a Time in “Artforum” Once Upon a Time in “Artforum”
Artists and critics are polarized—and under great pressure from both sides of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Nov 2, 2023 / Barry Schwabsky

Why Israel Slept Why Israel Slept
The long catalogue of intelligence failures that allowed Hamas to stage its brutal surprise attack on October 7 begins at The Venetian, Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas resort.
Nov 2, 2023 / James Bamford

What’s Powering the Healthcare Worker Strike Wave? What’s Powering the Healthcare Worker Strike Wave?
Nurses and others have won victories on the picket line they couldn’t achieve at the ballot box.
Nov 1, 2023 / Jonathan Rosenblum

“Why I Resigned From the State Department” “Why I Resigned From the State Department”
An interview with Josh Paul.
Oct 30, 2023 / Laura Flanders

Jake Sullivan’s Rewrite Can’t Paper Over an Impoverished Foreign Policy Jake Sullivan’s Rewrite Can’t Paper Over an Impoverished Foreign Policy
The national security adviser’s hasty edits make clear the incoherence of Biden’s diplomacy.
Oct 30, 2023 / Jeet Heer

There’s Nothing Progressive About Tearing Down Posters of Israeli Hostages There’s Nothing Progressive About Tearing Down Posters of Israeli Hostages
A truly left position requires us to recognize that empathy is not a zero-sum game—and that we can, and must, mourn the deaths of both Palestinians and Israelis.
Oct 27, 2023 / Sasha Abramsky

DSA Is United in Its Commitment to a Free Palestine DSA Is United in Its Commitment to a Free Palestine
Our strong stance isn’t due to entryism but to years of dedicated organizing by anti-occupation activists—and a robust internal democratic process.
Oct 27, 2023 / Kristin Schall and Sam Heft-Luthy