Global Justice Movement

LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now?

LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now? LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now?

Race is back where it needs to be at the front and center of our discussions about culture, equality, and freedom in the US—but are we talking about it in the right way?

Nov 17, 2015 / The Nation

Muslims pray on Madison Avenue

Here We Go Again? Muslim Americans Brace for a Backlash After Paris Here We Go Again? Muslim Americans Brace for a Backlash After Paris

Muslim, Arab, and South Asian activists already see a far-too-familiar pattern in the US reaction—but also some signs of progress.

Nov 16, 2015 / Deepa Iyer

Why Black Lives Matter Activists Are Showing Up for a Palestinian Woman Threatened With Deportation

Why Black Lives Matter Activists Are Showing Up for a Palestinian Woman Threatened With Deportation Why Black Lives Matter Activists Are Showing Up for a Palestinian Woman Threatened With Deportation

Solidarity between black and Palestinian activists challenging state violence is growing. Just look at the campaign to support Rasmea Odeh.

Oct 26, 2015 / Dani McClain

These Irish Antiwar Protesters Are Sick of Having the US Military in Their Country

These Irish Antiwar Protesters Are Sick of Having the US Military in Their Country These Irish Antiwar Protesters Are Sick of Having the US Military in Their Country

The influx of Syrian refugees into Europe has reinvigorated Ireland’s debate on its involvement with the war on terror.

Oct 20, 2015 / Danielle Ryan

October 9, 1967: Che Guevara Is Executed in Bolivia

October 9, 1967: Che Guevara Is Executed in Bolivia October 9, 1967: Che Guevara Is Executed in Bolivia

“His is a revolutionary ideology in which death and tragedy occupy, close in the foreground, an unwanted, redemptive place.”

Oct 9, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This

Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This

From Germany to Switzerland, asylum seekers are organizing to demand humane treatment from rich nations.

Sep 30, 2015 / Caitlin L. Chandler

Dorothy Day

Pope Francis Elevates Dorothy Day’s Call For Economic Justice Pope Francis Elevates Dorothy Day’s Call For Economic Justice

The pope reminds Congress of an American moral tradition that believes “in an economy based on human needs rather than on the profit motive.”

Sep 24, 2015 / John Nichols

You Can’t Fight Poverty With a Concert

You Can’t Fight Poverty With a Concert You Can’t Fight Poverty With a Concert

Global Citizen’s celebrity-packed festival aims to mobilize millennials against poverty. That’s pointless if it strips politics from the fight.

Sep 24, 2015 / Benjamin Cohen and Elliot Ross

Pope Francis addresses Congress

Pope Francis Delivers Sophie Cruz’s Message to Congress Pope Francis Delivers Sophie Cruz’s Message to Congress

Francis to Congress: “Thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones.… Is this not what we want for our own childre...

Sep 24, 2015 / Julianne Hing

Pope Francis Environment

Can the Pope Get the US to Take Climate Change Seriously? Can the Pope Get the US to Take Climate Change Seriously?

Pope Francis says the “time is now” for major action on economic, social, and climate justice.

Sep 23, 2015 / John Nichols
