History Didn’t Bring Down the Berlin Wall—Activists Did History Didn’t Bring Down the Berlin Wall—Activists Did
Mass uprisings like the one that brought down the Soviet bloc are neither as rare—nor as spontaneous—as they first appear.
Nov 11, 2014 / Mark Engler, Paul Engler, and Foreign Policy In Focus

Kailash Satyarthi’s Heroism Kailash Satyarthi’s Heroism
The Indian Nobel Peace Prize winner has repeatedly risked his life fighting child labor and sweatshop abuses.
Oct 22, 2014 / Robin Broad and John Cavanagh

This Year’s Nobel Peace Prize Winners Are Radicals—and That’s a Good Thing This Year’s Nobel Peace Prize Winners Are Radicals—and That’s a Good Thing
Don’t overlook the fact that Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai have challenged economic and political elites, including multinational corporations and President Obama.
Oct 10, 2014 / John Nichols

The Fight to Keep Toxic Mining Out of El Salvador The Fight to Keep Toxic Mining Out of El Salvador
Hundreds of protesters recently gathered at the World Bank to shame a gold-mining firm’s shakedown of one of Central America’s poorest countries.
Sep 23, 2014 / Diana Anahi Torres-Valverde and Foreign Policy In Focus

Sports and Violence: A Red Card for Israel Sports and Violence: A Red Card for Israel
While Israel uses soccer to bolster its international image, it has violently oppressed the Palestinian national soccer team.
Jun 20, 2014 / Noah Habeeb and Foreign Policy In Focus

Terror and Impunity in Kashmir Terror and Impunity in Kashmir
Violence against civilians is endemic in Indian Kashmir, where activists are fighting back against a culture of official impunity.
May 15, 2014 / Shubh Mathur and Foreign Policy In Focus

Labor Rights for All: The Fight Against Modern-Day Slavery Labor Rights for All: The Fight Against Modern-Day Slavery
The domestic workers’ rights movement offers powerful lessons for the broader fight against forced labor, trafficking and servitude.
Nov 7, 2013 / Nisha Varia and Foreign Policy In Focus

Breaking My Silence Breaking My Silence
For years I have written about mass incarceration, while staying mute about drones and other injustices. It is time to connect the dots.
Sep 4, 2013 / Michelle Alexander

One Billion Rising One Billion Rising
After breaking the silence around physical violence against women, will the global mobilization take on the economy?
Feb 14, 2013 / Laura Flanders
Feed the Hungry—Pass a Just Farm Bill Feed the Hungry—Pass a Just Farm Bill
Who is the real beneficiary of US food aid—those suffering from chronic hunger worldwide, or American agricultural corporations?
Nov 30, 2012 / NationAction