Collapse in Cancún Collapse in Cancún
The movement against corporate globalization has made impressive strides. Now it needs to think carefully about what it stands for.
Oct 10, 2003 / Feature / Doug Henwood
Postcard From Cancún Postcard From Cancún
The insurgent delegations were in many respects the product of years of anti-WTO organizing.
Sep 16, 2003 / Feature / Christian Parenti
Free Trade Is War Free Trade Is War
Click here to read more from Naomi Klein.
Sep 11, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
Marching on Cancún Marching on Cancún
Peasants, punks, students, green activists, union workers, social leaders and many more will meet in Cancún to say no to the WTO. The Zapatista Army has also announced i...
Sep 4, 2003 / Feature / Tania Molina Ramírez
‘America Off Our Soil!’ ‘America Off Our Soil!’
Asian and the Arab protesters continue to call for a boycott of American goods.
May 19, 2003 / Feature / Miranda Kennedy
Elections vs. Democracy in Argentina Elections vs. Democracy in Argentina
In most of the world, it's the sign for peace, but here in Argentina it means war.
May 8, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
No Peace Without a Fight No Peace Without a Fight
For more information about the Piquetero speaking tour of the United States, see
Mar 13, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
Confronting Empire Confronting Empire
So how do we resist "Empire"? The good news is that we're not doing too badly. There have been major victories. Here in Latin America you have had so many--in Bolivia, you have...
Feb 20, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Arundhati Roy
A Report From Porto Alegre A Report From Porto Alegre
Optimism and antiwar fervor were both in evidence at the World Social Forum.
Feb 20, 2003 / Feature / Marc Cooper
Letter From Porto Alegre Letter From Porto Alegre
Early tomorrow morning, organizers of this, the third annual World Social Forum, will formally close out the weeklong event to report their conclusions to the hundreds of inte...
Jan 28, 2003 / Feature / Marc Cooper