Global Justice Movement

The Vision Thing The Vision Thing

"This conference is not like other conferences."

Jun 22, 2000 / Feature / Naomi Klein

Brands ‘R’ Us? Brands ‘R’ Us?

Jeremy Rifkin wants to rock the world of the jaded reader: He predicts that we're entering a completely new--the final--stage of capitalism.

May 25, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Jane Slaughter

The New Student Movement The New Student Movement

This article is part of the Haywood Burns Community Activist Journalism series.

Apr 27, 2000 / Feature / Liza Featherstone

A17 and Counting A17 and Counting

The thousands of protesters who danced, marched and, in a few cases, got clubbed by police as they tried to shut down the meetings of the World Bank and the International Monet...

Apr 20, 2000 / The Editors

The ‘Shame’ Game The ‘Shame’ Game

When we last visited New York Times foreign affairs pundit Thomas Friedman during last year's Seattle protests, he was attacking critics of the antidemocratic World Trade Organiz...

Apr 20, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman

The New Civic Globalism The New Civic Globalism

During the eighties many activists in the United States and elsewhere embraced a simple but evocative slogan: "think globally, act locally." The message: In acting at the local l...

Apr 20, 2000 / Feature / Kumi Naidoo

Talking ‘Anarchy’ With Chomsky Talking ‘Anarchy’ With Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is a longtime political activist, writer and professor of linguistics at MIT.

Apr 5, 2000 / Books & the Arts / David Barsamian

Seattle Sequel in DC Seattle Sequel in DC

"Seattle East," "A16," "Mobilization for Global Justice"--by whatever name you call it, a coalition of Teamsters and turtles, students and scholars, church, human rights, consume...

Apr 5, 2000 / The Editors

Raising a Ruckus: Students Take the Bus to DC Raising a Ruckus: Students Take the Bus to DC

Students heading for DC are bringing more than a toothbrush and a change of underwear.

Apr 5, 2000 / Feature / Jane Spencer

My Mafiaboy My Mafiaboy

Dear Mafiaboy,

Feb 23, 2000 / Naomi Klein
