Global Organizations

Why Aren’t Governments Dealing with Conflicts Caused by Climate Change? Why Aren’t Governments Dealing with Conflicts Caused by Climate Change?

Christian Parenti joins BBC to explain the debate at the UN over the relationship between political violence and global climate change. 

Jul 22, 2011 / The Nation

Some Thoughts on the IMF, Global Injustice and a Stranger on a Train Some Thoughts on the IMF, Global Injustice and a Stranger on a Train

Her name was Global South. His name was Washington Consensus. But his winning streak was running out and her star was rising.

May 23, 2011 / Rebecca Solnit

America’s Not Broke, Wisconsin’s Not Broke; We’re Just Wasting Money on War America’s Not Broke, Wisconsin’s Not Broke; We’re Just Wasting Money on War

“There is simply no rationale for continuing American involvement with no end in sight, rising deaths for civilians and our brave soldiers, declining public sentiment, and se...

Mar 18, 2011 / John Nichols

Dilma Rousseff: In Lula’s Shadow Dilma Rousseff: In Lula’s Shadow

The first female president of Brazil will likely build on her predecessor's legacy.

Dec 29, 2010 / Benjamin Dangl

US-UN Relations, Foreign Aid to Come Under Fire in New Congress

US-UN Relations, Foreign Aid to Come Under Fire in New Congress US-UN Relations, Foreign Aid to Come Under Fire in New Congress

Obama was just beginning to repair US-UN relations. Now that Republicans have taken back the House, resurgent cold warriors and neo-isolationists could make 2011 a risky year for i...

Dec 15, 2010 / Barbara Crossette

Hillary Clinton Gets Wiki-Served Hillary Clinton Gets Wiki-Served

Hillary Clinton should confront the unpleasant truths the cables reveal about US foreign policy and her own troubling directive that our diplomats should spy on their foreign colle...

Dec 1, 2010 / Robert Scheer

WikiLeaks Reveals State Department Pushed Diplomats to Spy WikiLeaks Reveals State Department Pushed Diplomats to Spy

The new cable dump includes a State Department directive to have diplomats spy on UN officials. The UN has been a playground for spies since its origin—but this rec...

Nov 29, 2010 / Barbara Crossette

Greg Mitchell and Daniel Ellsberg on the WikiLeaks Document Dump Greg Mitchell and Daniel Ellsberg on the WikiLeaks Document Dump

The morning after WikiLeaks began releasing its trove of confidential US diplomatic cables, Democracy Now! hosts a round-table about the possible impact of these leaks.

Nov 29, 2010 / Democracy Now!

Gearing Up for Cancún

Gearing Up for Cancún Gearing Up for Cancún

Expectations are low that the United Nations’s upcoming two-week climate conference will produce the international agreement needed to avert global warming.

Nov 28, 2010 / Tina Gerhardt

NATO Against Mars? Count Anne Applebaum In NATO Against Mars? Count Anne Applebaum In

Post op-ed scribbler suggests that since NATO has done so well in Afghanistan, even Russia might join NATO to fight China.

Nov 23, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
