Global Organizations

Stop the War Now Stop the War Now

NATO's war on Yugoslavia has failed catastrophically. The crimes against humanity that the alliance hoped to forestall continue to be visited upon the Albanian Kosovars.

May 6, 1999 / The Editors

‘Degrading’ America ‘Degrading’ America

It is imperative to focus on the essential reason Americans must unequivocally oppose the US-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

May 6, 1999 / Stephen F. Cohen

Belgrade Degraded Belgrade Degraded

Every now and then it really happens. A "military spokesman" emerges to prove that Joseph Heller was a realist, and Catch-22 a work of reportorial integrity.

Apr 29, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

NATO: At 50, It’s Time to Quit NATO: At 50, It’s Time to Quit

The war against Serbia is the Banquo's ghost of NATO's fiftieth-anniversary celebration in Washington.

Apr 21, 1999 / Feature / Benjamin Schwarz and Christopher Layne

Hawks, Doves & Ducks Hawks, Doves & Ducks

As NATO was beginning its fourth week of not-yet-successful persuasion bombing, several progressive members of the House gathered privately to hash out their views of President C...

Apr 21, 1999 / David Corn

Battle Hymn Battle Hymn

We're bombing you back to the Stone Age, Slobo, To teach you that you must behave. When all of our bombing is finished, Slobo,

Apr 15, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Ethnic Poisoning Ethnic Poisoning

In the very first days of Kosovo's drama of the dispossessed--a calculated atrocity that Slobodan Milosevic probably thinks of as his "exodus strategy"--the most amazing mantra ...

Apr 15, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Nationalism Unleashed Nationalism Unleashed

We Hungarians entered NATO on March 12.

Apr 15, 1999 / George Konrad

False History Lessons False History Lessons

Confronted with the inexplicable, policy-makers and pundits alike grope for the apt historical analogy. It's a natural human reaction.

Apr 8, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Kai Bird

The Case Against Inaction The Case Against Inaction

Sadly, some on the left are angrier about NATO's bombing than they are about the Serbian forces' atrocities, even though Milosevic's men have killed more in one Kosovan village ...

Apr 8, 1999 / Ian Williams and Bogdan Denitch
