Global Organizations

Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse.

Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse. Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse.

If someone had poisoned New York’s water supply and killed 9,000 people, it would have been the most litigated public health disaster of all time. But when it happened in Haiti? No...

Oct 16, 2015 / Fran Quigley

US Army platoon leader and Afghan National Army officer

Iraq and Afghanistan Have Officially Become Vietnam 2.0 Iraq and Afghanistan Have Officially Become Vietnam 2.0

Our policy of arming and training local militias in Vietnam was largely unsuccessful. So why are we repeating that mistake today?

Oct 13, 2015 / Andrew J. Bacevich

How Putin Adopted Obama’s Way of War

How Putin Adopted Obama’s Way of War How Putin Adopted Obama’s Way of War

The spread of the Obama Doctrine of counterinsurgency signals a new and dangerous phase of contemporary warfare.

Oct 13, 2015 / Juan Cole

The New Cold War Is Now Being Waged on Three Fronts: Ukraine, Europe and Syria

The New Cold War Is Now Being Waged on Three Fronts: Ukraine, Europe and Syria The New Cold War Is Now Being Waged on Three Fronts: Ukraine, Europe and Syria

It need not be on any of them.

Oct 7, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

A man holds up a sign that reads in Spanish:

This Is One of the Most Innovative Programs in the UN’s Toolbox This Is One of the Most Innovative Programs in the UN’s Toolbox

A commission that grew out of Guatemala’s 1996 peace accords could be a model for curbing lawlessness throughout the world.

Oct 5, 2015 / Stephen Schlesinger

‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer

‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer ‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer

The Post is coming down hard against Russia’s operations in Syria.

Oct 5, 2015 / James Carden

trump iran rally

Donald Trump Is a True Candidate of the .00001 Percent Donald Trump Is a True Candidate of the .00001 Percent

The real question is: How has The Donald made it this far in the race?

Oct 1, 2015 / Nomi Prins

Putin at the UN

Putin at the UN Putin at the UN

Russian leader asks, will the US rethink its destructive, “revolutionary” role in the world?

Sep 30, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This

Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This

From Germany to Switzerland, asylum seekers are organizing to demand humane treatment from rich nations.

Sep 30, 2015 / Caitlin L. Chandler

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Is a Global Crisis. Why Are We Doing So Little to Fight It?

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Is a Global Crisis. Why Are We Doing So Little to Fight It? Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Is a Global Crisis. Why Are We Doing So Little to Fight It?

In a co-epidemic with HIV, it’s raging across much of the world, killing an estimated 2.6 million people in 2013.

Sep 29, 2015 / Feature / Douglas Foster
