Global Organizations

Responding to ISIS and the Syrian Refugee Crisis Is Dividing Policymakers Both in Washington and Moscow

Responding to ISIS and the Syrian Refugee Crisis Is Dividing Policymakers Both in Washington and Moscow Responding to ISIS and the Syrian Refugee Crisis Is Dividing Policymakers Both in Washington and Moscow

Will the result be a spreading or curtailing of the new US-Russian Cold War?

Sep 23, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People

As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People

What once seemed unexpected is no longer unthinkable.

Sep 22, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Obama Administration Rejects Russia’s Offer to Form a New Military Coalition vs. ISIS in Syria

The Obama Administration Rejects Russia’s Offer to Form a New Military Coalition vs. ISIS in Syria The Obama Administration Rejects Russia’s Offer to Form a New Military Coalition vs. ISIS in Syria

Has it created another front in the new Cold War?

Sep 16, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

Hillary Clinton on Iran Deal

Hawks Aren’t Giving the Iran Deal a Chance Hawks Aren’t Giving the Iran Deal a Chance

Bellicose posturing too often ends up isolating the United States—and undermining our security.

Sep 15, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Migrants and Austrian police

How Xenophobia Could Ruin the Best Thing About the EU How Xenophobia Could Ruin the Best Thing About the EU

If the European Union can’t agree on a common resettlement policy for refugees, one of its signal achievements—open borders among member nations—could disappear.

Sep 14, 2015 / Daniel Trilling

Has Russia Been Right All Along About the ‘Arab Spring’?

Has Russia Been Right All Along About the ‘Arab Spring’? Has Russia Been Right All Along About the ‘Arab Spring’?

If so, why is Washington opposed to Moscow’s help in the war against ISIS?

Sep 9, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

US Marine

Radical Histories: Waging Peace in the Pages of ‘The Nation’ Radical Histories: Waging Peace in the Pages of ‘The Nation’

For 150 years The Nation has refused to join the war party, instead urging skepticism, sobriety and pragmatism in the use of force for political ends.

Sep 8, 2015 / The Nation

Kerry speaks with Zarif

Behind the Scenes: How the US and Iran Reached Their Landmark Deal Behind the Scenes: How the US and Iran Reached Their Landmark Deal

Exclusive interviews with top-level negotiators reveal how it became a reality.

Sep 5, 2015 / Gareth Porter

Kiev Protest

Did the Violent Protests in Kiev Mark the Beginning of the End of the ‘Maidan Revolution’? Did the Violent Protests in Kiev Mark the Beginning of the End of the ‘Maidan Revolution’?

As well as Washington’s ‘Ukrainian project’?

Sep 2, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

Torture Victim

US Special Forces May Have Gone On a Murder Spree in Afghanistan—Did the Army Cover It Up? US Special Forces May Have Gone On a Murder Spree in Afghanistan—Did the Army Cover It Up?

Exclusive video: “I saw with my own eyes that they killed people.”

Sep 2, 2015 / Matthieu Aikins
