
Bernie Sanders supporters

Why Millennials Aren’t Afraid of Socialism Why Millennials Aren’t Afraid of Socialism

It’s an old idea, but the people who will make it happen are young—and tired of the unequal world they’ve inherited.

Jan 10, 2017 / StudentNation / Julia Mead

Arizona Supporters Cheer President Elect Donald Trump

How Decades of Disappointment Won the Election for Donald Trump How Decades of Disappointment Won the Election for Donald Trump

Lost wars, globalization, and the resulting bitterness brought a vote against shattered expectations.

Jan 10, 2017 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Students protest low wages.

3 Steps for Progressive Resistance and Rebuilding as the Trump Era Launches 3 Steps for Progressive Resistance and Rebuilding as the Trump Era Launches

Ultimately, the party’s fortunes will depend on recruiting a new generation of progressive leaders who can harness the power of social movements and drive it into electoral politic...

Jan 3, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Taj Mahal Casino

Trump Kicks Off the Return of the Czars Trump Kicks Off the Return of the Czars

Republicans had a huge problem with Obama’s “czars.” Will they say anything now? (Spoiler: no.)

Dec 22, 2016 / David Dayen

Newspaper in Hyderabad

Why Trump’s Hotels Will Doom Us All Why Trump’s Hotels Will Doom Us All

Who’d have thought it’d be a bad idea to elect a president with business interests pretty much everywhere in the world? 

Dec 22, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt

Guatemala Water March

The Alliance for Prosperity Will Intensify the Central American Refugee Crisis The Alliance for Prosperity Will Intensify the Central American Refugee Crisis

Conceived without the participation of civil-society groups, the chief goal is to advance elite US and Northern Triangle business interests.

Dec 21, 2016 / Dawn Paley

Bernie BlackLivesMatter

What Is the Left Without Identity Politics? What Is the Left Without Identity Politics?

Four writers consider the question dividing the Democratic Party.

Dec 16, 2016 / Walter Benn Michaels, Charles W. Mills, Linda Hirshman, and Carla Murphy

Mouffe in Spain

America in Populist Times: An Interview With Chantal Mouffe America in Populist Times: An Interview With Chantal Mouffe

One of the preeminent theorists on democracy, social movements, and populism, her work was an inspiration to Podemos in Spain and Syriza in Greece.

Dec 15, 2016 / Waleed Shahid

Truck in Chile after flood

We Are Hitting the Wall of Maximum Grabbing We Are Hitting the Wall of Maximum Grabbing

We have an epidemic of grabbing—land grabbing, resource grabbing—and now the most powerful nation on earth has elected Donald Trump as its grabber-in-chief.

Dec 14, 2016 / Naomi Klein

Minimum Wage Rally

How to Mount a Progressive Resistance How to Mount a Progressive Resistance

Opposition to Trump will come—not only in the streets but also from leaders in states and cities who are intent on making America better.

Dec 13, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
