The Obama Administration Has Brokered More Weapons Sales Than Any Other Administration Since World War II The Obama Administration Has Brokered More Weapons Sales Than Any Other Administration Since World War II
The world may be in turmoil, but the American arms industry is cashing in.
Jul 26, 2016 / William D. Hartung

Hillary Clinton Can Become the Real Candidate of Change Hillary Clinton Can Become the Real Candidate of Change
Clinton needs to go bold: using her experience and competence as the basis for laying out a big agenda for change that can help build enthusiasm and turnout.
Jul 26, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

If You Want to Market a Dangerous Pesticide Without Regulation, Go to the European Union If You Want to Market a Dangerous Pesticide Without Regulation, Go to the European Union
The EU continues to extend glyphosate’s license, even after the World Health Organization concluded it was “probably a carcinogen.”
Jul 20, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Peru’s Elections May Signal What’s Ahead for the United States in November Peru’s Elections May Signal What’s Ahead for the United States in November
They were offered the choice between a neoliberal technocrat and a right-wing demagogue–does that sound familiar?
Jul 18, 2016 / Greg Grandin

Cleveland Has Survived Deindustrialization and a Burning River. Can It Survive Donald Trump? Cleveland Has Survived Deindustrialization and a Burning River. Can It Survive Donald Trump?
As the Republican National Convention rolls into Cleveland, the author fears for his hometown.
Jul 18, 2016 / Dale Maharidge

Sanctuary Cities Are Some of the Few Havens for Undocumented Immigrants Sanctuary Cities Are Some of the Few Havens for Undocumented Immigrants
And now Republicans have the cities in their sights.
Jul 18, 2016 / Michelle Chen

What Kind of a Conservative Is Theresa May? What Kind of a Conservative Is Theresa May?
The new Tory prime minister talks tough on immigration, while mouthing Labour’s lines on the downtrodden.
Jul 13, 2016 / Maria Margaronis

Should the Democratic Party Be Added to the Endangered-Species List? Should the Democratic Party Be Added to the Endangered-Species List?
The Bernie-Hillary face-off has exposed how far the party has drifted from its working-class base—and how angry that base still is at the betrayal.
Jul 12, 2016 / William Greider

The Deportation System’s ‘Lock-up Quota’ Is Just As Bad as It Sounds The Deportation System’s ‘Lock-up Quota’ Is Just As Bad as It Sounds
Lockup quotas are tearing apart immigrant communities and lining the pockets of private prison corporations.
Jul 11, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Democrats Toughen Trade Stance—but Reject Formal Opposition to the TPP Democrats Toughen Trade Stance—but Reject Formal Opposition to the TPP
By leaving the party’s position in doubt, Democrats have created an opening for Trump.
Jul 10, 2016 / John Nichols