Elite Protectionists Elite Protectionists
A man-bites-dog story of momentous implications is unfolding in Washington: The US multinational establishment, having successfully championed free-trade orthodoxy for decades, m...
Mar 24, 2005 / William Greider
Porto Alegre Postcard Porto Alegre Postcard
This year's World Social Forum gave culture its due--and reaped the rewards.
Mar 3, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Alisa Solomon
Another World Turns Another World Turns
Imagining the possibilities at the World Social Forum.
Jan 30, 2005 / Feature / Alisa Solomon
Trading Down Trading Down
In less than five years, the garment industry in poor, war-ravaged Cambodia has more than doubled into a $1.5 billion industry employing 200,000 workers and generating nearly thr...
Dec 22, 2004 / David Moberg
Defunct Economists Defunct Economists
Professor Paul Samuelson's Economics: An Introductory Analysis has been the bestselling college economics textbook for more than fifty years.
Dec 2, 2004 / William Greider
Kerry’s Trade Winds Kerry’s Trade Winds
Senator John Kerry has promised a revision of Clinton-era trade policies to insure that future agreements contain stronger, enforceable labor and environmental standards.
Sep 30, 2004 / Tom Hayden and Lori Wallach
Global Fights Go Local Global Fights Go Local
Missouri Governor Bob Holden learned how volatile globalization issues have become when his Democratic primary challenger, Claire McCaskill, started banging away on him for offsh...
Aug 12, 2004 / Feature / John Nichols
Incarceration, Inc. Incarceration, Inc.
Private prisons thrive on cheap labor and the hunger of job-starved towns.
Jul 1, 2004 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky
Shameless in Iraq Shameless in Iraq
EMENDATION: Naomi Klein reported in her July 12 "Lookout" column that Aegis CEO Tim Spicer helped put down rebels and stage a military coup in Papua New Guinea. Actually, although...
Jun 24, 2004 / Column / Naomi Klein
CACI and Its Friends CACI and Its Friends
In his now-famous report on Abu Ghraib prison, Maj. Gen.
Jun 3, 2004 / Tim Shorrock