
Free Trade Bush’s Way Free Trade Bush’s Way

On the eve of George W. Bush's recent tour of Latin America, Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes equated the advantages of a global free market with the peaks of the Himalayas, characte...

Mar 28, 2002 / Marc Cooper

From Protest To Politics From Protest To Politics

A report from Porto Alegre on the "antiglobalization" movement.

Feb 21, 2002 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Listening In on the WEF Listening In on the WEF

As January turned into February, the most important people in the world gathered themselves together in midtown Manhattan for the annual World Economic Forum. Normally held in Da...

Feb 14, 2002 / Doug Henwood

Enron’s Global Crusade Enron’s Global Crusade

The Texas company has been a scandal in other countries for a long time.

Feb 14, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols

Many Oppose Trade Deal Many Oppose Trade Deal

Pôrto Alegre, Brazil--In US living rooms, talk about such policy measures as the White House's proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is likely to elicit clueless ...

Feb 11, 2002 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Grassroots Globalism Grassroots Globalism


Jan 31, 2002 / The Editors

Another World Is Possible Another World Is Possible

The challenge to global capitalism is more relevant now than before September 11.

Jan 31, 2002 / Feature / Susan George

Shall We Leave It to the Experts? Shall We Leave It to the Experts?

Enron's power project in India demonstrates who benefits from globalization.

Jan 31, 2002 / Feature / Arundhati Roy

Beyond Jihad Vs. McWorld Beyond Jihad Vs. McWorld

On terrorism and the new democratic realism.

Jan 3, 2002 / Feature / Benjamin R. Barber

A New Giant Sucking Sound A New Giant Sucking Sound

China is taking away Mexico's jobs, as globalization enters a fateful new stage.

Dec 13, 2001 / Feature / William Greider
