Jeb Bush Says He Has ‘Really Cool Things’ to Do Besides Being President Jeb Bush Says He Has ‘Really Cool Things’ to Do Besides Being President
That’s good, because he’s probably not going to be.
Oct 26, 2015 / Joan Walsh

Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This ‘Political Revolution’ Thing Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This ‘Political Revolution’ Thing
With a rock concert, a rally, and a key speech in Iowa, the insurgent signals that he intends to remain an insurgent.
Oct 26, 2015 / John Nichols

Junot Díaz Just Lost an Award for Speaking Out Against the Dominican Republic’s Anti-Haitian Pogrom Junot Díaz Just Lost an Award for Speaking Out Against the Dominican Republic’s Anti-Haitian Pogrom
New York’s Dominican Consul General revoked Díaz’s Order of Merit last week, calling him “anti-Dominican.”
Oct 26, 2015 / Greg Grandin

Live, From New York, It’s a Poke in the Eye for Latinos! Live, From New York, It’s a Poke in the Eye for Latinos!
Make Saturday Night Live (almost) great again—dump Trump.
Oct 23, 2015 / Leslie Savan

The Select Committee on Benghazi Is a Joke. Not All Congressional Inquiries Are. The Select Committee on Benghazi Is a Joke. Not All Congressional Inquiries Are.
Five cases that prove that congressional inquiries can lead to real change.
Oct 23, 2015 / George Zornick

Not Everyone on the Benghazi Committee Was an Embarrassment Not Everyone on the Benghazi Committee Was an Embarrassment
As Hillary Clinton made a powerful case for herself, Elijah Cummings made an equally powerful case against the committee’s hyper-partisanship.
Oct 23, 2015 / John Nichols

The Day the GOP Turned the Benghazi Tragedy Into a Farce The Day the GOP Turned the Benghazi Tragedy Into a Farce
Enduring an 11-hour festival of mansplaining, with a sexist assist from GOP women, Hillary Clinton looked calm and presidential.
Oct 23, 2015 / Joan Walsh

Tell Congress to Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes Tell Congress to Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes
Join The Nation, the Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund, Courage Campaign and 14 other organizations in calling on Congress to close corporate tax loopholes.
Oct 22, 2015 / NationAction

One Possibility One Possibility
To those whom Trump does not enthuse With bombast and his racist views, Some pundits say, “Don’t sing the blues. The Trump campaign will soon defuse. His nutcase voters then will c…
Oct 22, 2015 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Who Benefits From Biden’s Exit? Biden. Who Benefits From Biden’s Exit? Biden.
By becoming a factor in a presidential race he was not running, the vice president increased his stature and influence.
Oct 21, 2015 / John Nichols