
Julian Bond

Honor Julian Bond’s Legacy by Protecting Voting Rights Honor Julian Bond’s Legacy by Protecting Voting Rights

The civil rights leader helped pass the Voting Rights Act and fought for voting rights over five decades.

Aug 17, 2015 / Ari Berman

Prison Education

Prison Education Reduces Recidivism by Over 40 Percent. Why Aren’t We Funding More of It? Prison Education Reduces Recidivism by Over 40 Percent. Why Aren’t We Funding More of It?

Giving prisoners access to financial aid for college tuition is the first step towards “de-carceration.”

Aug 17, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Julian Bond

Julian Bond Built Coalitions, Practiced Solidarity, and Showed Us the Future Julian Bond Built Coalitions, Practiced Solidarity, and Showed Us the Future

When the civil-rights leader was nominated for vice president in 1968, we got a glimpse of the new politics.

Aug 17, 2015 / John Nichols

August 17, 1998: President Bill Clinton Acknowledges an Affair With a White House Intern

August 17, 1998: President Bill Clinton Acknowledges an Affair With a White House Intern August 17, 1998: President Bill Clinton Acknowledges an Affair With a White House Intern

“Clinton’s behavior in the Lewinsky matter has been consistent with the conduct of his presidency.”

Aug 17, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

August 14, 1935: President Franklin Roosevelt Signs the Social Security Act

August 14, 1935: President Franklin Roosevelt Signs the Social Security Act August 14, 1935: President Franklin Roosevelt Signs the Social Security Act

“Unfortunately the present law seems doomed from the start by its complex, slovenly, and mangled character.”

Aug 14, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

John McCain Iran deal

Iran Hawks Think We Can Impose Harsher Sanctions on Iran Iran Hawks Think We Can Impose Harsher Sanctions on Iran

Here’s why they’re wrong.

Aug 12, 2015 / Juan Cole

Former Peace Corps Volunteers to John Kerry: Stop Sending Military Aid to the Dominican Republic

Former Peace Corps Volunteers to John Kerry: Stop Sending Military Aid to the Dominican Republic Former Peace Corps Volunteers to John Kerry: Stop Sending Military Aid to the Dominican Republic

Their letter arrives as international groups once more fail to prompt US action on the violation of human rights.

Aug 12, 2015 / Greg Grandin

Schumer DC

Can Chuck Schumer Kill the Iran Deal? Can Chuck Schumer Kill the Iran Deal?

A prominent Democratic hawk bucks Obama. Can he lead the party?

Aug 11, 2015 / Ali Gharib

Rand Paul

Rand Paul’s Decline Marks the End of Realism Within the GOP Rand Paul’s Decline Marks the End of Realism Within the GOP

Once the great hope for his party’s foreign policy realists, these days he’s sounding more like a dyed-in-the-wool interventionist.

Aug 11, 2015 / James Carden

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

How Close Can the GOP Get to Absolute Madness? How Close Can the GOP Get to Absolute Madness?

The state of the party makes you wonder: Is this real life?

Aug 11, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow
