
‘The Nation’ Welcomes Canada Into Existence… With a Shrug

‘The Nation’ Welcomes Canada Into Existence… With a Shrug ‘The Nation’ Welcomes Canada Into Existence… With a Shrug

The politicians were happy, if nobody else.

Jul 1, 2014 / Richard Kreitner

Low-Wage Workers’ Newest Ally Is a Washington Bureaucrat

Low-Wage Workers’ Newest Ally Is a Washington Bureaucrat Low-Wage Workers’ Newest Ally Is a Washington Bureaucrat

“Working people have experienced—for a long time—the diminishment of their voice,” says David Weil, the new director of the Wage and Hour Division at the De...

Jul 1, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Opens the Door to Further Challenges

Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Opens the Door to Further Challenges Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Opens the Door to Further Challenges

While the Court did not strike down barrier zones in other states and cities, the people who brought us McCullen can take those statutes on next.

Jul 1, 2014 / Emily Jane Goodman

Where Are the GOP Supporters of Voting Rights?

Where Are the GOP Supporters of Voting Rights? Where Are the GOP Supporters of Voting Rights?

One year after the Supreme Court gutted the VRA, few Republicans have signed on to a legislative solution.

Jun 25, 2014 / Ari Berman

Will Mary Landrieu Engage the ‘War on Women’ in the Louisiana Senate Race?

Will Mary Landrieu Engage the ‘War on Women’ in the Louisiana Senate Race? Will Mary Landrieu Engage the ‘War on Women’ in the Louisiana Senate Race?

In Louisiana, women’s health could prove a meaningful point of divergence between the Democratic incumbent and her Republican challengers.

Jun 23, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Days After Decrying Flat Wages, McConnell Proposes Lowering Wages by $13 Billion

Days After Decrying Flat Wages, McConnell Proposes Lowering Wages by $13 Billion Days After Decrying Flat Wages, McConnell Proposes Lowering Wages by $13 Billion

McConnell raises funds for the Brent Spence Bridge by lowering construction worker wages.

Jun 20, 2014 / Joe Sonka

How the Working Families Party Is Already Changing Electoral Politics

How the Working Families Party Is Already Changing Electoral Politics How the Working Families Party Is Already Changing Electoral Politics

The debate over endorsing Governor Cuomo showed the party’s power.

Jun 18, 2014 / Feature / Daniel Cantor

Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Could Choose the Next House Majority Whip

Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Could Choose the Next House Majority Whip Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Could Choose the Next House Majority Whip

Will the fossil-fuel lobby leverage its considerable pull within the House GOP to ensure Scalise becomes House majority whip?

Jun 18, 2014 / Lee Fang

Would the Tea Party Welcome Jeb Bush? Or Vice Versa?

Would the Tea Party Welcome Jeb Bush? Or Vice Versa? Would the Tea Party Welcome Jeb Bush? Or Vice Versa?

The Tea Party is losing influence, and centrist Republicans are losing patience with it.

Jun 18, 2014 / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss

Can a Liberal Mayor Be Financially Responsible?

Can a Liberal Mayor Be Financially Responsible? Can a Liberal Mayor Be Financially Responsible?

According to the right-wing media’s script, of course not.

Jun 18, 2014 / Column / Eric Alterman
