
Senators to Pull All-Nighter to Push for Climate Action

Senators to Pull All-Nighter to Push for Climate Action Senators to Pull All-Nighter to Push for Climate Action

 From Monday evening until Tuesday morning, more than two dozen lawmakers will speak on the Senate floor about the urgency of climate change.

Mar 10, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Jon Kyl, Barred From Lobbying, Offers to Assist Clients with Tax Reform

Jon Kyl, Barred From Lobbying, Offers to Assist Clients with Tax Reform Jon Kyl, Barred From Lobbying, Offers to Assist Clients with Tax Reform

Even though he's in the ‘cooling off’ period, Kyl is lobbying on a proposed tax overhaul.

Mar 10, 2014 / Lee Fang

The Koch Brothers Spent Twice as Much on the 2012 Election as the Top Ten Unions Combined

The Koch Brothers Spent Twice as Much on the 2012 Election as the Top Ten Unions Combined The Koch Brothers Spent Twice as Much on the 2012 Election as the Top Ten Unions Combined

When Super PAC contributions and dark money are taken into account, David and Charles Koch spent over $412 million during the last election cycle. 

Mar 7, 2014 / Lee Fang


The Pentagon’s Phony Budget Wars The Pentagon’s Phony Budget Wars

Despite the uproar over reductions to defense funding, less than 1 percent of the Pentagon's beefy $550 billion budget will be cut this year.

Mar 6, 2014 / Mattea Kramer

David Jolly’s Clients Won Earmarks From His Old Bosses, Bill Young

David Jolly’s Clients Won Earmarks From His Old Bosses, Bill Young David Jolly’s Clients Won Earmarks From His Old Bosses, Bill Young

Some of Jolly's clients won millions of dollars worth of contracts from Young after Jolly left a staff position with the representative to take up lobbying. 

Mar 5, 2014 / Lee Fang

Obama Administration Gets It Precisely Wrong on Trade Policy

Obama Administration Gets It Precisely Wrong on Trade Policy Obama Administration Gets It Precisely Wrong on Trade Policy

The White House’s “2014 Trade Policy Agenda” rehashes failed ideas that harm rather than help economic renewal.

Mar 5, 2014 / John Nichols

Willie Horton Politics: Senate Votes Against Civil Rights

Willie Horton Politics: Senate Votes Against Civil Rights Willie Horton Politics: Senate Votes Against Civil Rights

The right-wing attack machine defeats Debo Adegbile’s nomination to head DOJ Civil Rights Division.

Mar 5, 2014 / Ari Berman

The Next Battleground in the War on Whistleblowers

The Next Battleground in the War on Whistleblowers The Next Battleground in the War on Whistleblowers

Robert MacLean, a US Air Marshal fired for allegedly leaking sensitive government documents, is just trying to get his job back. For the rest of us, his case has much more profound...

Mar 4, 2014 / Peter Van Buren

In the GOP’s Civil War, the Establishment Is Winning

In the GOP’s Civil War, the Establishment Is Winning In the GOP’s Civil War, the Establishment Is Winning

The Tea Party insurgents may be troublemakers, but they don’t outweigh the Republican establishment.

Feb 28, 2014 / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss

Obama Nominates SOPA Lobbyist for TPP Trade Post

Obama Nominates SOPA Lobbyist for TPP Trade Post Obama Nominates SOPA Lobbyist for TPP Trade Post

A new US trade representative is a former lobbyist pushing for limits on Internet freedom and draconian intellectual property policy.

Feb 27, 2014 / Lee Fang
