GOP on the Brink of Weakening Flight Safety Rules GOP on the Brink of Weakening Flight Safety Rules
Backed by aviation industry money, the GOP is trying to weaken common-sense flight safety rules. Famed pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger and others push back.
May 4, 2011 / George Zornick
Keep Your Hands Off My Medicare! Keep Your Hands Off My Medicare!
As Republicans pursue one of the most unpopular programs in recent memory, progressives have an opportunity to reset the terms of the debate.
May 3, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Didn’t We Fight a Revolution to Rid Ourselves of This Royal Family—and Its American Imitators? Didn’t We Fight a Revolution to Rid Ourselves of This Royal Family—and Its American Imitators?
The whole point of the American experiment was to rid ourselves of royalism. So how did we end up with so many monarchical governors?
Apr 29, 2011 / John Nichols
Paul Ryan’s ‘Spinal Tap’ Tour Packs the Halls, But The Crowds Aren’t Cheering Paul Ryan’s ‘Spinal Tap’ Tour Packs the Halls, But The Crowds Aren’t Cheering
Outside the cloistered confines of the Capitol Hill, and the few blocks of southern Manhattan where he is a hero, the Budget Committee chair is bombing.
Apr 28, 2011 / John Nichols
Nation Conversations: Emily Douglas and Bryce Covert on What New Credit Card Regulation Means for Women Nation Conversations: Emily Douglas and Bryce Covert on What New Credit Card Regulation Means for Women
Under new credit card regulations, will women find it harder to access credit?
Apr 26, 2011 / The Nation
Paul Ryan’s ‘Spinal Tap’ Tour Paul Ryan’s ‘Spinal Tap’ Tour
He’s a Republican rock star in Washington. But the House Budget Committee chair’s tour of his home district is flopping as constituents say: "Hands Off Our Medicar...
Apr 26, 2011 / John Nichols
As Congressional GOP Faces Voter Anger at Town Meetings, Senator Urges Hiding Out in DC As Congressional GOP Faces Voter Anger at Town Meetings, Senator Urges Hiding Out in DC
Republican members of the House and Senate are getting an earful at home from constituents who oppose attacks on Medicare and Medicaid and favor tax hikes for the rich. One GO...
Apr 25, 2011 / John Nichols
An Empire of Autocrats, Aristocrats and Uniformed Thugs Begins to Totter An Empire of Autocrats, Aristocrats and Uniformed Thugs Begins to Totter
Across the Greater Middle East from Tunisia and Egypt to Bahrain and Yemen, democratic protests are threatening to sweep away subordinate elites crucial to the wielding of American...
Apr 25, 2011 / Alfred W. McCoy and Brett Reilly
The Issue Is Jobs, Not Deficit Reduction The Issue Is Jobs, Not Deficit Reduction
A Democratic congressman tells the president to stop reading from GOP talking points and start borrowing a page from FDR.
Apr 25, 2011 / John Nichols
A Responsible Republican Rejects Paul Ryan’s Fiscal Folly A Responsible Republican Rejects Paul Ryan’s Fiscal Folly
Maine's Susan Collins is no liberal. But she is not about to back Ryan's plan to gut Medicare and Medicaid. Will other GOP senators be as honest in their assessment of a bad bill?
Apr 23, 2011 / John Nichols