Wars Should Be Declared by Congress, Not Merely Launched by Presidents Wars Should Be Declared by Congress, Not Merely Launched by Presidents
Even if a war is considered "just," even if it is launched under the auspices of the UN, US military interventions should be debated and approved by Congress before they ...
Mar 21, 2011 / John Nichols
Documenting the Obama Administration’s ‘Gitmo in the Heartland’ Documenting the Obama Administration’s ‘Gitmo in the Heartland’
The Obama Administration has continued to operate Bush's legally-dubious detention centers for terrorism prisoners, but the opaque practices at these secret prisons deserve to be ...
Mar 18, 2011 / WNYC
America’s Not Broke, Wisconsin’s Not Broke; We’re Just Wasting Money on War America’s Not Broke, Wisconsin’s Not Broke; We’re Just Wasting Money on War
“There is simply no rationale for continuing American involvement with no end in sight, rising deaths for civilians and our brave soldiers, declining public sentiment, and se...
Mar 18, 2011 / John Nichols
The Nuke Lobby has the US Regulatory Commission in Their Pocket The Nuke Lobby has the US Regulatory Commission in Their Pocket
According to Christian Parenti, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's "culture" of bowing to industry demands prevents it from keeping plants truly safe.
Mar 17, 2011 / MSNBC
How the Tiny Kingdom of Bahrain Strong-Armed the President of the United States How the Tiny Kingdom of Bahrain Strong-Armed the President of the United States
Just how American bullets make their way into Bahraini guns, into weapons used by troops suppressing pro-democracy protesters, opens a wider window into the shadowy relationships b...
Mar 15, 2011 / Nick Turse
After State Dept. Aide Condemns Abuse of Pvt. Manning, Administration ‘Shoots the Messenger’ After State Dept. Aide Condemns Abuse of Pvt. Manning, Administration ‘Shoots the Messenger’
Assistant Secretary of State P.J. Crowley decries Department of Defense's mistratement of WikiLeaks suspect Pvt. Bradley Manning. Obama sides with Defense Department and Crowley re...
Mar 14, 2011 / John Nichols
King Hearing Casts Muslim Americans as Clueless, ‘Not Intellectually Equipped’ King Hearing Casts Muslim Americans as Clueless, ‘Not Intellectually Equipped’
Rep. Peter King’s witnesses tried to paint Muslims as untrustworthy citizens, but other speakers, including LA Sherriff Lee Baca, attested to broad cooperation with law enfor...
Mar 11, 2011 / Sarah Posner
Meet Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Star Witness in Peter King’s Anti-Muslim Show Trial Meet Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Star Witness in Peter King’s Anti-Muslim Show Trial
According to Jasser, the Muslim Brotherhood’s mission is to upend the Constitution and impose Sharia law and Islamic “political collectivism” in America.
Mar 8, 2011 / Sarah Posner
The ‘Badger Advocates’: Corporate Advocates, Not UW-Madison Advocates The ‘Badger Advocates’: Corporate Advocates, Not UW-Madison Advocates
At the University of Wisconsin-Madison a group of corporate lobbyist will be working to turn the university into a quasi-private "public authority" institution. Other states that h...
Mar 8, 2011 / StudentNation / StudentNation
Boeing Boondoggle: Pork Can Fly Boeing Boondoggle: Pork Can Fly
“The gift that keeps on giving” should have been the headline on the Pentagon’s decision to award the Boeing Co. a $35 billion defense contract last week.
Mar 2, 2011 / Robert Scheer