
Medicare’s Still Delivering After 45 Years; The Only Serious Threat to Its Future Is Paul Ryan Medicare’s Still Delivering After 45 Years; The Only Serious Threat to Its Future Is Paul Ryan

Medicare and Medicaid are strong and necessary programs. The only real threat they face comes from House Budget Committee chair Paul Ryan and Republicans who would voucherize ...

Jul 2, 2011 / John Nichols

Obama: ‘It’s Only Fair’ to Ask Rich to Give Up Tax Breaks

Obama: ‘It’s Only Fair’ to Ask Rich to Give Up Tax Breaks Obama: ‘It’s Only Fair’ to Ask Rich to Give Up Tax Breaks

Democrats should demand fair taxation, but they cannot support cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in exchange for new revenue.

Jun 29, 2011 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders to Obama and the Democrats: Stand Up to the Economic and Political ‘Schoolyard Bullies’ Bernie Sanders to Obama and the Democrats: Stand Up to the Economic and Political ‘Schoolyard Bullies’

Vermont Senator rallies citizens to defend Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. 

Jun 27, 2011 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders to Obama: ‘Do Not Yield to Outrageous Republican Demands’ on Taxes, Cuts, Deficit Policy

Bernie Sanders to Obama: ‘Do Not Yield to Outrageous Republican Demands’ on Taxes, Cuts, Deficit Policy Bernie Sanders to Obama: ‘Do Not Yield to Outrageous Republican Demands’ on Taxes, Cuts, Deficit Policy

Vermont's independent senator urges the president to reject GOP demands that the budget be balanced on the backs of working Americans. 

Jun 27, 2011 / John Nichols

No Checks, No Balances: House Refuses to Authorize Obama’s Libya War, but Funds It

No Checks, No Balances: House Refuses to Authorize Obama’s Libya War, but Funds It No Checks, No Balances: House Refuses to Authorize Obama’s Libya War, but Funds It

Cynicism abounds as House refuses to authorize the Libya mission but also refuses to defund it. This is John Boehner’s managed chaos; it serves Obama and the military-industr...

Jun 24, 2011 / John Nichols

Gephardt Wants Someone to Please Think About the Seniors, Health Insurers Gephardt Wants Someone to Please Think About the Seniors, Health Insurers

Former Democratic leader—and health industry lobbyist—Richard Gephardt comes out against the Independent Payment Review Board, and uses right-wing arguments to attack i...

Jun 22, 2011 / Jamelle Bouie

President’s Libya War is Undeclared, Unconstitutional, Unnecessary President’s Libya War is Undeclared, Unconstitutional, Unnecessary

Even Pentagon lawyers admit the war was not properly launched and is not being properly maintained. It is time for Congress to step up and say: "Stop!"

Jun 22, 2011 / John Nichols

If Americans Don’t Get Hurt, War Is No Longer War If Americans Don’t Get Hurt, War Is No Longer War

The Obama administration has come up with a remarkable justification for going to war against Libya without the required Congressional approval.

Jun 21, 2011 / Jonathan Schell

Republicans Abuse Confirmation Process in an Attempt to Make Policy Republicans Abuse Confirmation Process in an Attempt to Make Policy

For the last year, Senate Republicans have used the confirmation process to block nominees, de-staff agencies, and overturn the president's agenda piece by piece.

Jun 20, 2011 / Jamelle Bouie

Senate Democrats Should Have Embraced Surtax on Millionaires Senate Democrats Should Have Embraced Surtax on Millionaires

Senate Budget Committee chair Kent Conrad had a good, old-fashioned prairie-populist idea for addressing deficits: Impose a surtax on millionaires. His colleagues should have embra...

Jun 18, 2011 / John Nichols
