
Change We Can Bank On Change We Can Bank On

Reject the old-boy network whose sexism, stupidity and greed helped drive our current financial crisis. How about Sheila Bair for Treasury Secretary?

Nov 19, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer

The Right Choice at Treasury The Right Choice at Treasury

To avoid the mistakes of the past, there are two basic criteria: First, no Wall Streeters; second, no one who helped create the current crisis.

Nov 17, 2008 / Chris Hayes

In Praise of a Rocky Transition In Praise of a Rocky Transition

Every sweetheart deal the Bush administration makes threatens to hobble Obama's ability to deliver on his promise of change.

Nov 13, 2008 / Column / Naomi Klein

Obama’s Iraq Challenge Obama’s Iraq Challenge

Will Obama make good on his promise to end the war in Iraq?

Nov 13, 2008 / Bob Dreyfuss

The First 100 Days The First 100 Days

If Democrats can succeed in improving people's lives, the electorate won't care whether the Obama administration governs from left, right or center.

Nov 13, 2008 / The Editors

Joel Klein Should Not Be Secretary of Education Joel Klein Should Not Be Secretary of Education

His appointment would not represent the change promised by Barack Obama's election.

Nov 12, 2008 / StudentNation / The Nation

Dave Zirin on Rachel Maddow Show: Lame Duck Laws Dave Zirin on Rachel Maddow Show: Lame Duck Laws

The Nation's Dave Zirin joins Rachel Maddow to discuss potential abuses when government agencies are given carte blanche.

Nov 12, 2008 / MSNBC

Katrina vanden Heuvel on Democracy Now: Obama’s First 100 Days Katrina vanden Heuvel on Democracy Now: Obama’s First 100 Days

The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel on the first 100 days of Obama's presidency and the future of US-Russia relations.

Nov 11, 2008 / The Nation Video and Brett Story

The Summers Conundrum The Summers Conundrum

In light of all of the corruption and cronyism that have marked the career of Lawrence Summers, why is Obama considering him for treasury secretary?

Nov 11, 2008 / Feature / Mark Ames

Change That Might Actually Happen Change That Might Actually Happen

Obama can change the way Washington does business by mobilizing the same grassroots ground operation that got him elected to push his legislative agenda.

Nov 7, 2008 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
