Bush’s Plebiscitary Presidency Bush’s Plebiscitary Presidency
Thanks to an acquiescent Congress, we are now being governed by an Administration that is radically trying to change the nature of our democracy.
Aug 30, 2006 / Barney Frank
Clinton’s Blindness on Welfare Reform Clinton’s Blindness on Welfare Reform
You'd think Bill Clinton doesn't know the difference between getting mothers and their children off the welfare rolls and getting them out of poverty.
Aug 30, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
DC Edges Closer to Representation DC Edges Closer to Representation
The residents of the District of Columbia go to war and pay taxes, but they have never had a member of Congress to call their own. A measure has been introduced in the House that c...
Aug 20, 2006 / Feature / Sam Schramski
Congress Poised to Unravel the Internet Congress Poised to Unravel the Internet
Senator Ted Stevens has no idea how the Internet works, but he's asking Congress to remake it to suit the interests of the telecommunications industry. Can progressives apply the p...
Aug 18, 2006 / Feature / Jeffrey Chester
Mercenary Jackpot Mercenary Jackpot
As the United States decries the private militias of Lebanon and Iraq, GOP-connected, privately owned global mercenary firms receive blank checks and little oversight.
Aug 10, 2006 / Jeremy Scahill
Henry Paulson’s Treasury Henry Paulson’s Treasury
Goldman Sachs chairman and CEO Henry Paulson faces ethical, political and economic challenges if confirmed as Bush's latest Treasury Secretary.
Jun 26, 2006 / Feature / Nomi Prins
‘Tester Time’ in Montana ‘Tester Time’ in Montana
John Tester's populist politics and country style make him the perfect candidate to unseat Senator Conrad Burns. Next step is for the progressive Montana farmer to win the June 6 p...
Jun 1, 2006 / John Nichols
Phone Spies Phone Spies
Democrats in Congress must press for a full investigation of NSA phone call surveillance and prove that the rule of law is an asset, not an obstacle, to national security.
May 18, 2006 / The Editors
Getting Hosed Getting Hosed
As oil profits soar, Americans are getting hosed at the gas pump, and Congress can't decide whether to raise taxes, lower them or throw money at the voters.
Apr 28, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
Help Wanted: GOP Managers Help Wanted: GOP Managers
With executive pay scales soaring, only bumblers are willing to work for the Bush Administration.
Apr 27, 2006 / Feature / Thomas Geoghegan