Guns and Gun Control

Rahm on the Ropes

Rahm on the Ropes Rahm on the Ropes

New polling suggests Rahm Emanuel isn't playing in Chicago. Here's why—and why the national media should pay attention.

Feb 27, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

Voters Send a Loud Anti-NRA Message

Voters Send a Loud Anti-NRA Message Voters Send a Loud Anti-NRA Message

Robin Kelly's resounding victory in Illinois' special election for US House is a blow to pro-gun hawks nationwide. 

Feb 27, 2013 / John Nichols

Handcuffing 7-Year-Olds Won’t Make Schools Safer

Handcuffing 7-Year-Olds Won’t Make Schools Safer Handcuffing 7-Year-Olds Won’t Make Schools Safer

After Newtown, policy-makers are making schools more like prisons—at the expense of those they should be protecting.

Feb 26, 2013 / Chase Madar

Another Ad Attacks McConnell on Gun Control

Another Ad Attacks McConnell on Gun Control Another Ad Attacks McConnell on Gun Control

A progressive group’s message reminds viewers that the Kentucky senator is taking money from the industry.

Feb 25, 2013 / George Zornick

What Would Hitler and Stalin Do?

What Would Hitler and Stalin Do? What Would Hitler and Stalin Do?

Jack-booted thugs are here to take away your guns.

Feb 19, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow

This Week: Obama Calls for Jobs Over Austerity

This Week: Obama Calls for Jobs Over Austerity This Week: Obama Calls for Jobs Over Austerity

Highlights from The Nation's coverage of the State of the Union Address.

Feb 17, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

America Isn’t Broke. Its Priorities Are.

America Isn’t Broke. Its Priorities Are. America Isn’t Broke. Its Priorities Are.

In his State of the Union address, the president reminded us that “deficit reduction is not an economic plan.” Will he be able to hold off the austerity-mongerers?

Feb 13, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

In Reversal, the NRA Embraces States’ Rights In Reversal, the NRA Embraces States’ Rights

Opponents of gun control spent the last twenty years undermining local approaches to gun policy.

Feb 11, 2013 / Sam Kleiner

President Obama Should Go to Chicago. And Yemen. And Pakistan. And …

President Obama Should Go to Chicago. And Yemen. And Pakistan. And … President Obama Should Go to Chicago. And Yemen. And Pakistan. And …

The president should condemn violence at home, and hold himself accountable for violence abroad, as well. 

Feb 8, 2013 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Does Mitch McConnell’s Pro-Gun Stance Threaten His 2014 Chances? Does Mitch McConnell’s Pro-Gun Stance Threaten His 2014 Chances?

New polling shows McConnell is vulnerable on his gun industry money and anti-gun law stance. 

Feb 8, 2013 / George Zornick
