Health and Disease

Activists protest in opposition to the Senate Republican health care bill on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on June 28, 2017.

Republicans Are Coming for Our Health Care Again. Here’s How You Can Fight Back Republicans Are Coming for Our Health Care Again. Here’s How You Can Fight Back

You can also join a campaign to protect voting rights in your state or county.

Sep 19, 2017 / NationAction

A young man holds up a sign at a recent rally against the repeal of the ACA

The Stark Difference Between Republicans and Democrats on Health Care Couldn’t Be Clearer The Stark Difference Between Republicans and Democrats on Health Care Couldn’t Be Clearer

More and more Americans understand that health care should be a basic right, not a commodity that you purchase if you can afford it.

Sep 19, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Early embryos two days after co-injection with a gene-correcting enzyme.

We’re Failing Our Test Run for the Age of CRISPR We’re Failing Our Test Run for the Age of CRISPR

We’re on the cusp of being able to genetically shape our offspring, but without accurately informing would-be parents, genetic diversity will become a code for poverty.

Aug 29, 2017 / David M. Perry

Take Action Now: Emergency Action to Save Health Care and Support Undocumented Immigrant Activists in Texas

Take Action Now: Emergency Action to Save Health Care and Support Undocumented Immigrant Activists in Texas Take Action Now: Emergency Action to Save Health Care and Support Undocumented Immigrant Activists in Texas

Check out three meaningful actions you can take this week. 

Jul 25, 2017 / NationAction

Protesting for immigrant rights

Take Action Now: Commit to Showing Up for Immigrants in Your Community and Next Steps on Health Care Take Action Now: Commit to Showing Up for Immigrants in Your Community and Next Steps on Health Care

Check out three meaningful actions you can take this week.

Jul 18, 2017 / NationAction

Protesters gather outside a Sen. Ted Cruz town hall meeting, Thursday, July 6, 2017, in Austin, Texas.

Here’s What You Can Do to Help Kill the Republican ‘Health-Care’ Bill for Good Here’s What You Can Do to Help Kill the Republican ‘Health-Care’ Bill for Good

This fight is far from over.

Jul 14, 2017 / NationAction

Activists gather outside American Enterprise Institute to protest FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and the Trump administration’s attacks on net neutrality.

Take Action Now: Share Your Health-Care Story and Get Trained in Direct Action Take Action Now: Share Your Health-Care Story and Get Trained in Direct Action

Check out three meaningful actions you can take this week.

Jul 11, 2017 / NationAction

Rite Aid Pharmacy in Pittsburgh

Trump’s Plan to Make Drugs Cheaper Could End Up Making Them More Expensive Trump’s Plan to Make Drugs Cheaper Could End Up Making Them More Expensive

Now, that’s good policy!

Jul 6, 2017 / Michelle Chen

Take Action Now: Support Nonviolent Direct Action and Join the Fight for Net Neutrality

Take Action Now: Support Nonviolent Direct Action and Join the Fight for Net Neutrality Take Action Now: Support Nonviolent Direct Action and Join the Fight for Net Neutrality

Check out three meaningful actions you can take this week.

Jul 4, 2017 / NationAction

Local concerned citizens gather to protest the current health care bill being considered in the Senate with a

Take Action Now: Keep Up the Fight to Save Our Health Care Take Action Now: Keep Up the Fight to Save Our Health Care

We need to fight until the cruel Republican “health-care” bill is defeated for good. 

Jun 27, 2017 / NationAction
