Needed: Rx for Drug Costs Needed: Rx for Drug Costs
John Elias, my patient, has a dilemma. He can't afford to buy his medicines and also pay his rent. I'm sure he won't give up his apartment just to keep his veins filled with my ch...
Jun 28, 2001 / Dr. Marc Siegel
Annan’s AIDS Crusade Annan’s AIDS Crusade
On a late June day that will surely have been picked by the political astrologers around him, Kofi Annan of Ghana will likely be coronated for a second five-year term as Secretary...
Jun 21, 2001 / Pranay Gupte
Andrew Sullivan, Overexposed Andrew Sullivan, Overexposed
Click here for readers' reactions to this article.
Jun 5, 2001 / Feature / Richard Kim
AIDS and Poverty in Africa AIDS and Poverty in Africa
Prevention and treatment require a focus on overall health and development.
May 3, 2001 / Feature / Eileen Stillwaggon
AIDS: The New Apartheid AIDS: The New Apartheid
A campaign to help sick people in need of unaffordable medicines is clashing with forces in the global pharmaceutical industry.
Apr 26, 2001 / Mark Gevisser
This Warning May Be Hazardous to Your Health This Warning May Be Hazardous to Your Health
A woman two months pregnant goes to see her Ob-Gyn for prenatal care. As required by law, her doctor informs her that her condition places her at greater risk for a wide range of...
Mar 30, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt
AIDS and Profits AIDS and Profits
This is not about profits and patents; it's about poverty and a devastating disease." That statement did not come from AIDS activists struggling to provide sub-Saharan Africa's...
Mar 22, 2001 / The Editors
In the Place of Nations In the Place of Nations
Big Pharma's dark underside.
Mar 22, 2001 / Feature / John le Carré
When Ignorance Is Bliss When Ignorance Is Bliss
I have eaten more than my share of Whoppers in my forty-one years. As a teenager I liked them so much I'd worry about whether I could afford another one while still eating the fi...
Mar 8, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman
Bush Medicine for Africa Bush Medicine for Africa
The Bush Administration's health policies for Africa basically amount to the moral equivalent of the death penalty for 25 million people.
Feb 8, 2001 / Salih Booker