Pill of Choice Pill of Choice
It took twelve years for the FDA to approve mifepristone--also known as RU-486--and most of that time had less to do with medicine than with the politics of abortion. Still, th...
Oct 5, 2000 / The Editors
Marijuana Made Easy Marijuana Made Easy
For more than half a century, the US government has maintained a hard line on marijuana, denying that the plant has any medical value at all.
Sep 2, 1999 / Feature / Cynthia Cotts
Prescription: Protest Prescription: Protest
Neil Shulman, MD, first started seeing patients at Grady in 1969. For more information or to help, contact [email protected].
Jul 22, 1999 / Feature / Neil Shulman MD
Morning-After Pill Ban Morning-After Pill Ban
Emergency contraception has the potential to revolutionize women's relationship to sex and birth control.
Jun 3, 1999 / Patricia Miller