John Kitzhaber’s Oregon Dream John Kitzhaber’s Oregon Dream
This third-term governor is rethinking healthcare and education with holistic, community-based programs.
May 22, 2013 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky
Crowdsourcing as Healthcare Policy: Can’t We Do Better? Crowdsourcing as Healthcare Policy: Can’t We Do Better?
GoFundMe donations are a good Band-Aid for a bad system, but can’t we harness America’s generosity in service of better social programs?
Apr 26, 2013 / Michelle Dean
Bipartisan Push to Scrap Medical Device Tax Is a Cautionary Tale Bipartisan Push to Scrap Medical Device Tax Is a Cautionary Tale
A bipartisan vote to repeal a good tax shows how tricky it can be to enact real tax reform.
Mar 22, 2013 / George Zornick
Rubio’s Lies About Healthcare Reform Rubio’s Lies About Healthcare Reform
In his rebuttal to the State of the Union Address, the Tea Party star failed to make his case that healthcare reform was harmful.
Feb 13, 2013 / George Zornick
Who’s Paying for Your Birth Control? Who’s Paying for Your Birth Control?
Will you have access to no-copay birth control under HHS's new regulations?
Feb 7, 2013 / Emily Douglas
The Best Sequester Plan in Washington The Best Sequester Plan in Washington
An even mix between cuts and revenue increases, eliminating wasteful Pentagon spending and tax loopholes for the wealthy, all while investing in job creation. What’s not to l...
Feb 6, 2013 / George Zornick
A Big Day for Obamacare A Big Day for Obamacare
The administration largely protected universal contraception coverage, but also made it harder for millions of familes to get health insurance.
Feb 1, 2013 / George Zornick
Labor Campaign Pushes Healthcare as a Human Right, Not a Business Labor Campaign Pushes Healthcare as a Human Right, Not a Business
Inspired by Vermont’s successful drive for universal healthcare, the Labor Campaign for Single-Payer is working with activists from Maine, California and Oregon to expand healthcar...
Jan 22, 2013 / Micah Uetricht
Once Again, Senate Republicans Reject International Human Rights Once Again, Senate Republicans Reject International Human Rights
As the federal government refuses to recognize the UN treaty on the rights of the disabled, a growing number of cities are incorporating international human rights standards into t...
Dec 12, 2012 / Barbara Crossette
John Nichols: Why Papa John’s and Denny’s Can’t Fight Obamacare John Nichols: Why Papa John’s and Denny’s Can’t Fight Obamacare
Heads of Denny’s and Papa John’s restaurants backed down on threats to retaliate against the Affordable Care Act.
Nov 26, 2012 / Press Room