Cut Medicare? No Way! Make It ‘Medicare for All’! Cut Medicare? No Way! Make It ‘Medicare for All’!
Senator Bernie Sanders is back with a plan for real health care reform. Instead of cutting Medicare, as Paul Ryan proposes, he wants to respond to our health-care crisis with ...
May 10, 2011 / John Nichols
Vermont Ever Closer to Single-Payer Healthcare Vermont Ever Closer to Single-Payer Healthcare
The Senate and the House of Representatives agree: single-payer health care is the only way to provide real coverage for all.
May 9, 2011 / Laura Flanders

Paul Ryan’s Plan to Destroy Medicare Paul Ryan’s Plan to Destroy Medicare
The threatened government shutdown was averted, but Democrats agreed to $38 billion in budget cuts. Here's what we'll see in the next negotiations.
Apr 7, 2011 / The Editors
Is Medicare Next on the GOP’s Hit List? Is Medicare Next on the GOP’s Hit List?
If Democrats engage with Republicans on their absurd proposition to cut Medicare, then we will have a real problem.
Apr 5, 2011 / Press Room
Is Medicare Next on the GOP’s Hit List? Is Medicare Next on the GOP’s Hit List?
If Democrats engage with Republicans on their absurd proposition to cut Medicare, then we will have a real problem.
Apr 5, 2011 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Georgia Bill Would Allow Wrongful Death Suits on Behalf of Fetuses Georgia Bill Would Allow Wrongful Death Suits on Behalf of Fetuses
Stacey Abrams fights the antiabortion wackos so you don’t have to.
Mar 16, 2011 / Sharon Lerner
Censoring of Malawian Doctor Highlights Obama Administration’s Timidity on International Abortion Censoring of Malawian Doctor Highlights Obama Administration’s Timidity on International Abortion
Dr. Chisale Mhango wanted to present research on the harm illegal abortion does to Malawian women. USAID decided that ran afoul of the Helms Amendment.
Mar 11, 2011 / Sharon Lerner
Vermont’s Struggle for Single-Payer Healthcare Vermont’s Struggle for Single-Payer Healthcare
Could the Green Mountain state be the first in the country to offer accessible healthcare to all its citizens?
Mar 10, 2011 / Feature / Steve Early
Anti-Life—When It’s a Woman’s Life Anti-Life—When It’s a Woman’s Life
Rep. Joe Pitts has specifically designed a bill to value fetuses over living women.
Mar 4, 2011 / Sharon Lerner
College Health Plan Standards Will Improve With the Rest of Health Care College Health Plan Standards Will Improve With the Rest of Health Care
College health care plans were initially excluded from the national health care over-haul but now will be held to the same standards as other insurers.
Feb 11, 2011 / StudentNation / Sara Jerving