Stupak Won’t Listen to Nuns–Or Other Women Stupak Won’t Listen to Nuns–Or Other Women
When it comes to women's health, key congressman turns for advice to men.
Mar 20, 2010 / John Nichols
As Vote Nears, Support for Reform Rises As Vote Nears, Support for Reform Rises
New poll says health-care legislation is now backed by 46 percent, opposed by 42 percent.
Mar 19, 2010 / John Nichols
National Catholic Reporter Joins Nuns in Backing Health Reform National Catholic Reporter Joins Nuns in Backing Health Reform
"Congress, and its Catholics, should say yes to health care reform," argues key Catholic paper, as representatives of 59,000 nuns back reform.
Mar 18, 2010 / John Nichols
30 Million Reasons 30 Million Reasons
We support passage of the healthcare legislation, even as we urge the progressive community to begin the struggle immediately to correct its many flaws and improve its protections.
Mar 17, 2010 / The Editors
Kucinich: ‘Yes,’ Then a Fight for Health Care as a Right Kucinich: ‘Yes,’ Then a Fight for Health Care as a Right
"If my vote is to be counted, let it now count for passage of the bill, hopefully in the direction of comprehensive health care reform."
Mar 17, 2010 / John Nichols
On Healthcare, Pelosi Makes Her Move On Healthcare, Pelosi Makes Her Move
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has laid out a strategy to pass healthcare reform in the next couple of days. As usual, progressives are fretting that winning will make them look bad, while c...
Mar 17, 2010 / Lindsay Beyerstein
Alan Grayson’s Right: Enact Reform AND a Public Option Alan Grayson’s Right: Enact Reform AND a Public Option
The Florida congressman who "gets it" proposes the next step on the road to real reform.
Mar 17, 2010 / John Nichols
Why 62 Million Bleeding Heart Liberals Back Health Care Reform Why 62 Million Bleeding Heart Liberals Back Health Care Reform
A remarkable new survey asks Americans to explain their health care position in their own words, and the visuals are revealing.
Mar 16, 2010 / Ari Melber
Obama Gathers Leaders at Healthcare Summit Obama Gathers Leaders at Healthcare Summit
On February 25, twenty-one Congressional leaders and top committee members debated controlling costs, insurance reform, and expanding coverage at President Obama's highly anticipated bipartisan healthcare summit.
Mar 16, 2010 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Savvy Dems Reject GOP ‘Advice’ on Health Reform Savvy Dems Reject GOP ‘Advice’ on Health Reform
Why do Republicans keep telling Democrats not to back reform? Could it be because they've read the polls that showing doing so will help Democrats?
Mar 15, 2010 / John Nichols