Health Care

Where’s the Birth Control? Where’s the Birth Control?

Another complication in healthcare reform legislation has emerged: so far, it fails to require insurers to cover basic preventive services for women, including contraception.

Oct 30, 2009 / Sharon Lerner

Joe Lieberman and the Opt-Out Revolution

Joe Lieberman and the Opt-Out Revolution Joe Lieberman and the Opt-Out Revolution

Progressives rejoiced when Sen. Harry Reid announced that the Senate healthcare bill would include a public option. But the jubilation was short-lived.

Oct 28, 2009 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein

Lieberman Twists the Knife Lieberman Twists the Knife

The Connecticut senator declared Tuesday that he would support a filibuster of any healthcare reform bill that has a public option--even the version with the "trigger" compromise a...

Oct 28, 2009 / Column / Robert Scheer

Reid to Back ‘Opt-Out’ Public Option Reid to Back ‘Opt-Out’ Public Option

Sen. Harry Reid will introduce a healthcare reform bill including an "opt-out" public option--grounds for disappointment, says Ari Melber.

Oct 26, 2009 / MSNBC

The Public Option Lives! Big Victory for Progressives The Public Option Lives! Big Victory for Progressives

Harry Reid just announced that he'll include a public option (with a provision that allows individual states to opt out of it) in the version of the health care bill he brings to ...

Oct 26, 2009 / Chris Hayes

The Future of the Public Option The Future of the Public Option

Chris Hayes, The Nation's Washington editor, clears up some of the confusion regarding the future of the public option.

Oct 26, 2009 / The Rachel Maddow Show

The Tide Is Turning on Healthcare Reform The Tide Is Turning on Healthcare Reform

In the past month, momentum on healthcare reform has unmistakably shifted as progressives have taken to the streets, the Internet and the halls of Congress to push for a bold plan.

Oct 23, 2009 / Feature / Peter Dreier

Crafting Health Reform Crafting Health Reform

Healthcare reform is looking less like a fantasy and more like a probability--but we need to keep a close watch on affordability, financing and the public option.

Oct 21, 2009 / J. Lester Feder

Why the Health Insurance Excise Tax Is a Bad Idea Why the Health Insurance Excise Tax Is a Bad Idea

Max Baucus's scheme to tax the benefits of workers slightly better off--so revenue can be raised for private insurance subsidies--is a lose-lose proposition.

Oct 21, 2009 / Steve Early and Rand Wilson

Pelosi Champions the Public Option Pelosi Champions the Public Option

A Congressional Budget Office report suggesting that a robust public option would actually cut the deficit seems to have lit a fire under Speaker Pelosi.

Oct 21, 2009 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein
