Health Care

Will Congress Pass a Strong Public Option? Will Congress Pass a Strong Public Option?

Author Sharon Lerner and Rep. Raul Grijalva discuss flaws in the Senate Finance Committee's health bill and increased popular support for a public option.

Oct 15, 2009 / GRITtv

Is Congress Opting Out of Real Reform? Is Congress Opting Out of Real Reform?

Is the so-called opt-out provision a worthy compromise for progressives who've already compromised just to get to a discussion of a public option?

Oct 14, 2009 / GRITtv

Public Health Before Wall Street Wealth Public Health Before Wall Street Wealth

The healthcare debate has become a convenient distraction from the far more pressing issues surrounding the banking meltdown.

Oct 14, 2009 / Column / Robert Scheer

Rural Health Care, the Public Option and the Opt Out Compromise Rural Health Care, the Public Option and the Opt Out Compromise

The latest health care legislative compromise being floated is one in which states would be allowed to opt out of offering a public option. I suppose if someone put a gun to my hea...

Oct 8, 2009 / Chris Hayes

Why We Can’t Weaken Healthcare Reform Why We Can’t Weaken Healthcare Reform

The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel thinks that we need to stop fixating on debt and unemployment benefits, and instead focus on a job creation program.

Oct 6, 2009 / ABC News

Progressives and the Fight for Healthcare Progressives and the Fight for Healthcare

Marcy Wheeler talks strategy, saying that Democrats need to "push the positive" to encourage people to not accept anything but the public option.

Oct 1, 2009 / The Nation Video

Rethinking Government Rethinking Government

Effective government is the precondition of freedom. And Obama needs to tell us that.

Sep 30, 2009 / Drew Westen

Democrats Don’t Deliver Healthcare Reform… Again Democrats Don’t Deliver Healthcare Reform… Again

Five Democratic senators on the Senate Finance Committee helped defeat a public option; do they really think that will advance reform--or even their political careers?

Sep 29, 2009 / Adam Howard

The Medicare Gravy Train The Medicare Gravy Train

Humana and other insurance industry giants have been fomenting a scare campaign among seniors to keep the industry's wasteful taxpayer subsidy going.

Sep 29, 2009 / Trudy Lieberman

Missing from Healthcare Bills: Coverage for Reproductive Health Missing from Healthcare Bills: Coverage for Reproductive Health

Health reform promises support for comprehensive care. That promise plainly does not extend to women who depend on public funds and seek abortions.

Sep 25, 2009 / Sylvia Law
