Noam Chomsky on the Heathcare Hold Up Noam Chomsky on the Heathcare Hold Up
Noam Chomsky explains the lag between public will to de-privatize healthcare and political plans to implement a new system.
Apr 9, 2009 / OntheEarthProduction
Operation Healthcare Operation Healthcare
Obama's hybrid approach to healthcare reform will succeed if progressives come together to support smart, incremental improvements in public programs.
Apr 8, 2009 / The Editors
A System From Hell A System From Hell
In my family, two medical crises have added up to financial disaster.
Apr 8, 2009 / Feature / Kate Michelman
Casualties of Care Casualties of Care
The privatization of veterans' healthcare limits the government's ability to honor those who serve.
Apr 8, 2009 / Feature / Tara McKelvey
Healthcare Lifeboats Healthcare Lifeboats
The Massachusetts healthcare reform model may rest on impeccable political logic, but it's economic and medical nonsense
Apr 8, 2009 / Feature / Steffie Woolhandler and David U. Himmelstein
Fighting for Our Health Fighting for Our Health
Can Washington summon the will to cut costs, raise revenues and cover the uninsured?
Apr 8, 2009 / Feature / J. Lester Feder
Healthcare Enemy No. 1 Healthcare Enemy No. 1
Hospital magnate Rick Scott, the face of GOP resistance to healthcare reform, has won the Florida Republican gubernatorial primary.
Mar 11, 2009 / Chris Hayes
Healthcare Heats Up Healthcare Heats Up
Don't listen to the fearmongers: government-run healthcare is cost-efficient, effective and far superior to the free-market mess we're in.
Mar 11, 2009 / The Editors
Dr. Gupta, Give Me the News Dr. Gupta, Give Me the News
Withdrawing his bid for Surgeon General, CNN's Sanjay Gupta is headed back to TV. But his medical reporting, like his nomination, is worrisome.
Mar 6, 2009 / Chris Mooney
Will Obama Pay Your Doctor Bills? Will Obama Pay Your Doctor Bills?
A year from now, will America have affordable healthcare? Monica Sanchez, Adam Thompson, and Dr. Walter Tsou on Obama's healthcare reform plan.
Mar 4, 2009 / GRITtv