Health Care

Long Roe to Hoe Long Roe to Hoe

Improving the sorry state of US reproductive health policy requires serious shifts within the women's movement and the abortion rights movement.

Jan 17, 2008 / Frances Kissling and Kate Michelman

Sick Kids’ Laugh Riot Sick Kids’ Laugh Riot

Dear Congressional Democrats: Here's a funny story about what it's like to have a really sick kid, even if you do have insurance.

Oct 16, 2007 / Column / Annabelle Gurwitch

Healthcare Surrender Monkeys Healthcare Surrender Monkeys

America has faced down the Third Reich and the Red Menace, but it has met an enemy it dares not confront: the private health insurance industry.

Sep 21, 2007 / Barbara Ehrenreich

Let the CHIPs Fall… Let the CHIPs Fall…

Bush has turned renewal of a successful child health insurance program from a no-brainer to a battle on the future of healthcare.

Sep 20, 2007 / Trudy Lieberman

Poverty Is Hazardous to Your Health Poverty Is Hazardous to Your Health

With the exception of John Edwards's plan to eradicate poverty, the concerns of the poor seem to have fallen off the progressive agenda for 2008.

Sep 20, 2007 / Column / Katha Pollitt

It’s Easier to Insure Pets Than Kids It’s Easier to Insure Pets Than Kids

Americans will spend $9.8 billion on pet healthcare this year. Why is the President so insistent that we can't provide health coverage to poor children?

Jul 26, 2007 / Barbara Ehrenreich

The Surgeon General’s Commissars The Surgeon General’s Commissars

The testimony of three former Surgeons General offers more proof of how the Bush Administration's corps of inept political operatives subverts our system of checks and balances.

Jul 17, 2007 / Stanley I. Kutler

Healthcare vs. the Profit Principle

Healthcare vs. the Profit Principle Healthcare vs. the Profit Principle

Sure we have a healthcare system in America. The trouble is, it's designed not to make people healthy but to make money.

Jul 12, 2007 / Barbara Ehrenreich

Andy Stern: Savior or Sellout? Andy Stern: Savior or Sellout?

SEIU President Andy Stern heads one of the strongest unions in the country. Why is he so cozy with corporations?

Jun 27, 2007 / Feature / Liza Featherstone

The Medicare Privatization Scam The Medicare Privatization Scam

Will an upcoming vote in Congress signal the end of Medicare?

Jun 27, 2007 / Feature / Trudy Lieberman
