AIDS Movement Seizes Control AIDS Movement Seizes Control
Despite its controversy, World AIDS Day has demonstrated how vast and global the AIDS movement has gone. While the extent of AIDS advocacy was not as far-reaching then, in 1987 a b...
Dec 2, 2005 / Feature / Mark Gevisser
Mismanaged Care Mismanaged Care
Tennessee once had a visionary health care plan for that left only 14 percent of residents uninsured. But with federal cuts and a governor's misguided attempt to privatize Medicaid...
Nov 22, 2005 / Feature / Trudy Lieberman
New Medicare Benefit Helps Only Drug Companies New Medicare Benefit Helps Only Drug Companies
Why are so few elderly people signing up for the new Medicare drug benefit? It's cumbersome, costly and totally confusing.
Nov 16, 2005 / Dr. Marc Siegel
Wal-Mart Tries to Grow a Pair Wal-Mart Tries to Grow a Pair
If Wal-Mart finds resistance irksome, it should lobby for universal healthcare.
May 25, 2005 / Feature / Liza Featherstone
Life Without Health Insurance Life Without Health Insurance
Millions of young people are unprotected.
Feb 3, 2005 / Feature / Meredith Clark
Retirement Security Fight Retirement Security Fight
Call out the fifes, sound the bugles, strike on the drums. With the State of the Union behind us, the Battle for Social Security now officially begins--again.
Feb 3, 2005 / The Editors
The View From Vermont The View From Vermont
Dr. Deborah Richter has advocated state-sponsored health insurance for every Vermonter, at nearly fifty Rotary Clubs plus chambers of commerce and boardrooms.
Oct 28, 2004 / Feature / Morton Mintz
Single-Payer: Good for Business Single-Payer: Good for Business
But corporate America isn't buying.
Oct 28, 2004 / Feature / Morton Mintz
Poor Plans for Healthcare Poor Plans for Healthcare
As neither candidate seems to be aware, healthcare is increasingly available only to those who can pay.
Oct 21, 2004 / Feature / Trudy Lieberman
Dealing the Drug Cards Dealing the Drug Cards
This article represents Trudy Lieberman's personal views, not those of Consumers Union.
Jun 3, 2004 / Trudy Lieberman