Health Care

A woman holds a large piece of cardboard above her head, with the words

How to Dismantle White Supremacy How to Dismantle White Supremacy

To end systemic racism, the country needs a comprehensive racial justice program even more sweeping than the Marshall Plan.

Aug 21, 2020 / Barbara Smith

Can Joe Biden Unrig the Economy?

Can Joe Biden Unrig the Economy? Can Joe Biden Unrig the Economy?

Raising taxes on the rich would help stop the economy from simply channeling income to 1 percent.

Aug 21, 2020 / Mike Konczal

Dissenting Delegates Send a Medicare for All Message to Joe Biden

Dissenting Delegates Send a Medicare for All Message to Joe Biden Dissenting Delegates Send a Medicare for All Message to Joe Biden

Biden is nominated, but even some of his own delegates say that he should embrace a single-payer response to America’s health care crisis.

Aug 19, 2020 / John Nichols

Biden and Kamala walking in front of an American flag

Progressives, Get Ready to Push Biden and Harris Progressives, Get Ready to Push Biden and Harris

Putting a Biden-Harris administration in power will not guarantee the change this country needs.

Aug 18, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Can This Crisis Be Used to Build a Better Future in Argentina?

Can This Crisis Be Used to Build a Better Future in Argentina? Can This Crisis Be Used to Build a Better Future in Argentina?

In the slums of Buenos Aires, government aid has been slow to materialize. Instead, community organizations are leading the fight.

Aug 13, 2020 / Photo Essay / Anita Pouchard Serra

It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes

It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes

If three out of four Americans want to spend their final years at home, why do so many of us end up in institutional care?

Aug 11, 2020 / Feature / Sara Luterman

Portraits of a Pandemic

Portraits of a Pandemic Portraits of a Pandemic

Drawing the nation.

Aug 7, 2020 / Steve Brodner

Someone holds up a Medicare for All sign at a rally for former candidate Bernie Sanders.

Biden, Just Say Yes on Medicare for All! Biden, Just Say Yes on Medicare for All!

Covid-19 gives you the perfect reason to change your mind.

Aug 6, 2020 / D.D. Guttenplan

Time for Some #WearADamnMask Politics

Time for Some #WearADamnMask Politics Time for Some #WearADamnMask Politics

The only sane response to Republican insanity is for Democrats to promote an in-your-face—and on-your-face—public health agenda in 2020.

Aug 5, 2020 / John Nichols


When You Have Diabetes, Even a Routine Police Encounter Can Turn Fatal When You Have Diabetes, Even a Routine Police Encounter Can Turn Fatal

Diabetics are often denied necessary care in police custody, leading to life-threatening complications and even death.

Aug 3, 2020 / Natalie Shure
