Health Care

Nurses Lifting Patient

If You Could Decrease a Workplace’s Injury Rate by 65 Percent, Would You? If You Could Decrease a Workplace’s Injury Rate by 65 Percent, Would You?

When nurses can’t speak up about unsafe hospital conditions without risking their jobs, both labor and the public lose a powerful potential advocate.

Jul 8, 2015 / Michelle Chen

The Supreme Court

The Roberts Court Tunes In to Democracy, for Once The Roberts Court Tunes In to Democracy, for Once

In the marriage-equality and Obamacare rulings, the justices respected the will of the people—and our Constitution.

Jul 2, 2015 / David Cole

There’s Finally Momentum Behind Paid Sick Leave

There’s Finally Momentum Behind Paid Sick Leave There’s Finally Momentum Behind Paid Sick Leave

Grassroots pressure turned what some considered a fringe issue into a political juggernaut.

Jun 30, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

SEIU Wage Protest

Shouldn’t Home Care Workers Earn a Living Wage? Shouldn’t Home Care Workers Earn a Living Wage?

Massachusetts’s disability and senior care workers just got a major pay raise.

Jun 29, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Ted Cruz

What’s Next for the GOP After the Obamacare Ruling? What’s Next for the GOP After the Obamacare Ruling?

Republicans should probably be relieved at the outcome, but more trouble lies ahead.

Jun 26, 2015 / George Zornick

Now the Real Obamacare Fight Begins

Now the Real Obamacare Fight Begins Now the Real Obamacare Fight Begins

Three things we need right now if the Affordable Care Act is going to create a functioning and equitable healthcare system.

Jun 25, 2015 / Kai Wright

Bobby Jindal Broke Louisiana So Badly That Even the GOP Doesn’t Want Him

Bobby Jindal Broke Louisiana So Badly That Even the GOP Doesn’t Want Him Bobby Jindal Broke Louisiana So Badly That Even the GOP Doesn’t Want Him

Inevitability is just about the only thing animating Jindal’s presidential bid.

Jun 24, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Life and Death in Brownback’s Kansas

Life and Death in Brownback’s Kansas Life and Death in Brownback’s Kansas

Twenty-one states have refused to expand Medicaid, leaving millions of sick Americans without decent healthcare.

Jun 2, 2015 / Feature / Kai Wright

The Proof That Centrism is Dead infographic

The Proof That Centrism is Dead The Proof That Centrism is Dead

Every story that centrists told about the recession turned out to be wrong.

May 20, 2015 / Mike Konczal

Why Put Trauma Centers Where No One Gets Shot?

Why Put Trauma Centers Where No One Gets Shot? Why Put Trauma Centers Where No One Gets Shot?

A Nation investigation looks at the shuttering of needed trauma centers, beginning with those on Chicago’s violent South Side.

Apr 29, 2015 / Feature / Jeffrey Bishku-Aykul
