No-Sweat Sit-Ins Hit Academe No-Sweat Sit-Ins Hit Academe
Will a donation from Nike deflect Stanford's efforts to curb sweatshop labor in the making of its sports regalia?
May 24, 2007 / The Editors
Graduates, Close Your Eyes Graduates, Close Your Eyes
A passionate critic of the Iraq War has this advice for the Class of 2007: Be afraid. And look within for answers to all the problems you have inherited.
May 21, 2007 / Tom Engelhardt
The Chutzpah Industry The Chutzpah Industry
Alan Dershowitz is at it again, campaigning to deny tenure to a DePaul University professor who criticized him.
May 2, 2007 / Jon Wiener
The Higher Education Scam The Higher Education Scam
Marilee Jones excelled as admissions dean at MIT, until she was fired for falsifying her resume. But what good is a college degree, anyway?
Apr 30, 2007 / Feature / Barbara Ehrenreich
Antiwar Students Rising Antiwar Students Rising
As the student peace movement grows stronger and more sophisticated, can it ignite the silent antiwar majority on campus?
Mar 21, 2007 / Sam Graham-Felsen
Goodbye, Horatio Alger Goodbye, Horatio Alger
Is education widening the class divide?
Jan 21, 2007 / Feature / Jeff Madrick
The High Cost of the Home Team The High Cost of the Home Team
Big-money athletics cannot help but sabotage what our colleges and universities are for: instruction and research.
Jan 18, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
College Presidents High on the Hog College Presidents High on the Hog
College presidents are living in baronial splendor, some with salaries, benefits and perks of $1 million or more. And you wonder why the cost of tuition is so high?
Oct 31, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
Trump U. Trump U.
Why go to a real college? Enroll in Donald Trump's virtual university and you'll learn all you need to know for $29 or your money back!
Jul 21, 2006 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman
Burning Cole Burning Cole
Politics trumped academic integrity when a neocon network torpedoed the appointment of Mideast scholar and blogger Juan Cole to a faculty position at Yale.
Jun 16, 2006 / Philip Weiss