Graduates, Close Your Eyes Graduates, Close Your Eyes
A passionate critic of the Iraq War has this advice for the Class of 2007: Be afraid. And look within for answers to all the problems you have inherited.
May 21, 2007 / Tom Engelhardt
The Chutzpah Industry The Chutzpah Industry
Alan Dershowitz is at it again, campaigning to deny tenure to a DePaul University professor who criticized him.
May 2, 2007 / Jon Wiener
The Higher Education Scam The Higher Education Scam
Marilee Jones excelled as admissions dean at MIT, until she was fired for falsifying her resume. But what good is a college degree, anyway?
Apr 30, 2007 / Feature / Barbara Ehrenreich
Antiwar Students Rising Antiwar Students Rising
As the student peace movement grows stronger and more sophisticated, can it ignite the silent antiwar majority on campus?
Mar 21, 2007 / Sam Graham-Felsen
Goodbye, Horatio Alger Goodbye, Horatio Alger
Is education widening the class divide?
Jan 21, 2007 / Feature / Jeff Madrick
The High Cost of the Home Team The High Cost of the Home Team
Big-money athletics cannot help but sabotage what our colleges and universities are for: instruction and research.
Jan 18, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
College Presidents High on the Hog College Presidents High on the Hog
College presidents are living in baronial splendor, some with salaries, benefits and perks of $1 million or more. And you wonder why the cost of tuition is so high?
Oct 31, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
Trump U. Trump U.
Why go to a real college? Enroll in Donald Trump's virtual university and you'll learn all you need to know for $29 or your money back!
Jul 21, 2006 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman
Burning Cole Burning Cole
Politics trumped academic integrity when a neocon network torpedoed the appointment of Mideast scholar and blogger Juan Cole to a faculty position at Yale.
Jun 16, 2006 / Philip Weiss
Campus Breakthrough on Sweatshop Labor Campus Breakthrough on Sweatshop Labor
The University of California has thrown its weight behind an antisweatshop initiative on campus logowear, proof that conscientious consumers can humanize the forces of global capit...
Jun 1, 2006 / Feature / Peter Dreier and Richard Appelbaum