
George McGovern, Prairie Populist George McGovern, Prairie Populist

The 1972 Democratic presidential nominee, who died at 90 on October 21, embraced and inspired the struggle for peace and economic and social justice.

Oct 24, 2012 / Books & the Arts / The Editors

What Republicans Can Learn From the Cold War

What Republicans Can Learn From the Cold War What Republicans Can Learn From the Cold War

The realization that markets need government saved capitalism after World War II.

Oct 23, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Melvyn P. Leffler

What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

The wing-nuttery’s gaybaiting is not just a fringe phenomenon—it’s part of an old Republican tradition of macho posturing against Democrats.

Oct 23, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Neal Gabler

John Lennon and George McGovern: Another Side of the 1972 Campaign

John Lennon and George McGovern: Another Side of the 1972 Campaign John Lennon and George McGovern: Another Side of the 1972 Campaign

The McGovern campaign marked a turning point in many lives, including John Lennon’s.

Oct 22, 2012 / Jon Wiener

The Cuban Missile Crisis and Ownership of the World The Cuban Missile Crisis and Ownership of the World

Though the Cuban Missile Crisis was fifty years ago, imperial America and the threat of nuclear war remains. 

Oct 16, 2012 / Noam Chomsky

Gay Baiting Gore Vidal: Politics in 1960 Gay Baiting Gore Vidal: Politics in 1960

During his Congressional run in 1960, the late writer and Nation contributor fired back at a less-than-friendly newspaper publisher.

Oct 8, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener

Remembering Eric Hobsbawm Remembering Eric Hobsbawm

Hobsbawm’s life and writings will long serve as an inspiration to those who believe that a knowledge of history is essential to working for a better world.

Oct 3, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Eric Foner

Remembering Eric Hobsbawm, Historian for Social Justice Remembering Eric Hobsbawm, Historian for Social Justice

Hobsbawm’s life and writings will long serve as an inspiration to those who believe that a knowledge of history is essential to working for a better world.

Oct 1, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Eric Foner

A Tale of Two Zionisms: On Peter Beinart A Tale of Two Zionisms: On Peter Beinart

Why Israel’s purposes cannot be grasped only through the American Jewish experience.

Sep 26, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Bernard Avishai

How American Democracy Became Commercial Property How American Democracy Became Commercial Property

Election politics today are little more than advertising. But it wasn't always that way. 

Sep 20, 2012 / Lewis Lapham
