
Ford, Nixon, The Nation Ford, Nixon, The Nation

The story behind the story of Gerald Ford's pardon of Nixon.

Jan 4, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky

The Soviet Union, R.I.P.? The Soviet Union, R.I.P.?

The collapse of the Soviet Union was far from inevitable: A historic opportunity to democratize and marketize Russia by more gradual means was lost--and the people paid the price.

Dec 13, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Stephen F. Cohen

God’s Willing Executioners God’s Willing Executioners

God's War explores the barbaric clash of Christianity and Islam, and what happens when people follow religious voices that no one else can hear.

Nov 22, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Lazare

The Lessons of History The Lessons of History

While there may be something great about winning a war, the United States must learn there is something much greater about using the tools of peacemaking to build a better world.

Nov 17, 2006 / Books & the Arts / John Hope Franklin

What Bush Has Wrought What Bush Has Wrought

We are now led by a false warrior who acts the simpleton, while playing to his version of what Middle America wants. To stop the madness, on November 7 voters must soundly repudiat...

Nov 1, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Robert Scheer

The New World Order The New World Order

Two new books examine the diverse and ambitious alliances that led to the end of slavery in America.

Oct 26, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Robin Blackburn

Marie Antoinette, the Upspeak Version Marie Antoinette, the Upspeak Version

It doesn't matter that Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette is a dreadful film, but it is alarming that the past is increasingly seen as a place in which the most important thing of al...

Oct 20, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Mark Steel

Death in the Family Death in the Family

Daniel Mendelsohn's The Lost represents one man's search to find the truth about himself, his family and the Holocaust.

Oct 19, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Gideon Lewis-Kraus

Nuremberg: Past, Present and Future Nuremberg: Past, Present and Future

Let us follow the example set by the judges and prosecutors who pursued justice in the Nuremberg Trials to lead America back to a reverence for the rule of law and the common good.

Oct 10, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Sen. Christopher Dodd

America, Through a Glass Darkly America, Through a Glass Darkly

An intellectual biography of Richard Hofstadter rides a wave of nostalgia for this artful historian and liberal icon of the 1950s and '60s.

Oct 5, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
