
Labor Pains Labor Pains

Robert Fitch's Solidarity for Sale exposes corruption as the cause of the current crisis in American labor.

Feb 16, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Kim Phillips-Fein

The Man Who Heard It All The Man Who Heard It All

Richard Taruskin's Oxford History of Western Music reviews the world of Western art music, expressing the magnificence and melancholy of its own age.

Feb 16, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Paul Griffiths

Emotional Truth Emotional Truth

In a DNA-driven search for biological roots, it behooves us to be less romantic about connecting with our ancestors. If we biologize our history, we will be forever less than we co...

Feb 16, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Patricia J. Williams

Historians Target Iraq War Historians Target Iraq War

Historians and activists join forces in Texas this weekend to explore how the tools of historical analysis can bolster the case for an immediate end to the war in Iraq.

Feb 13, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Jim O’Brien

The Race to War The Race to War

Lost Battalions tells the story of two US Army regiments of the American Expeditionary Force, the struggle to buy citizenship through the self-sacrifice of war.

Feb 2, 2006 / Books & the Arts / David Levering Lewis

President Jonah President Jonah

As his State of the Union message approaches, we deserve a rest from the fundamentalist presidency of G.W. Bush, whose guiding principles are antithetical to democracy and will onl...

Jan 25, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Gore Vidal

In Her Mind’s Eye In Her Mind’s Eye

Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism is a political classic trapped in the era in which it was written.

Jan 11, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Jonathan Rée

Easier Said Than Done Easier Said Than Done

Kwame Anthony Appiah's Cosmopolitanism explores the middle ground between the universal laws of liberalism and relativism's blind respect for all differences.

Jan 11, 2006 / Books & the Arts / John Gray

Europa, Europa Europa, Europa

Tony Judt's Postwar, a massive summary of European public life since World War II, is a triumph of narrative that will allow readers familiar with the history to experience it agai...

Dec 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Charles S. Maier

Gene McCarthy Gene McCarthy

Eugene McCarthy was a pure original, a great and good man, whose fundamental historical achievement was to be the standard-bearer for a moral and philosophical campaign against the...

Dec 15, 2005 / Books & the Arts / George McGovern
